Porovnat verze


  • Tento řádek byl přidán.
  • Tento řádek byl odstraněn.
  • Formátování bylo změněno.


Two new buttons are added on the publisher detail that has ESC publishing enabled:


List of holders without ESC

After clicking, an .xlsx file will be generated with a list of ISIC card holders under the given issuer whose ISIC card expiry date is in the future.


On this overview, the user can see whether the listed cardholders have complete data and, if necessary, will be able to supplement them using standard methods (editing in the NCDB, API, etc.).

Issuance of ESC cards

The user will be able to request the issuance of ESC cards for holders who already have complete data (e-mail address and personal ID) and for whom an ESC card has not yet been issued.
