Porovnat verze


  • Tento řádek byl přidán.
  • Tento řádek byl odstraněn.
  • Formátování bylo změněno.




IMPORTANT: Issuing ESC is not possible without providing the email and personal ID of the student applying for the card. ESC can only be issued for ISIC cards.


The validity of each ESC card is linked to the validity of the ISIC card.

If the ISIC card is no longer valid, the ESC card is not valid either. In this case, data export to ESC is no longer in progress.

If the ISIC card validity is extended, the ESC card validity is automatically extended as well.

In case you don’t use ISIC card extension, you can issue a new ISIC card to the same cardholder. Alive Platform checks the validity of active cards and sets the ESC validity according the ISIC card which is the furthest in the future. Example:
A cardholder has an ISIC with validity until 31/12/2022 and a linked ESC card with the same validity. You issue a new ISIC card to the cardholder with validity until 31/12/2023. The ESC card number stays the same, but its validity is prolonged until 31/12/2023.

The uniqueness of the personal ID
