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📤 Direct email communication

All communication with the customer regarding an incomplete order, a bad photo or an invalid study certificate will take place directly from the platform.

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In the order details, the ER user has This feature allows you to create new custom email templates for communication with your customers.

Using this feature, you can:

  • define custom email templates for different reasons why you need to contact the customer (for example “photo in bad quality”, “wrong postal address”, “expired student status confirmation”, …)

  • you can communicate with the customer directly from Online Ordering module and your emails sent to the customer are tracked in the detail of each card order

How to set this up?

  • you can create your custom email templates in Settings -> Email templates

  • for each email template, you can set up different reply-to mailbox, so when the customer answers back, the answer comes to the correct member of your team

  • each email template can be relevant to only defined card types (you probably won’t use the template for expired student status confirmation for IYTC card orders for example)

  • in email templates, the usual variables (such as {{ cardOrder.firstName }}, 

  • {{ cardOrder.lastName }}, {{ cardType }} etc. ) can be used

  • you can of course define email versions for all available languages 


  • there is always a default choice for reason “Other”. When this reason is chosen, no automatic email is sent, in this case, you need to lead the communication with your customer completely outside the ALIVE Platform.

How to use it?

  • in detail of specific card order, you have the option to click the button to mark the order as incomplete. 



  • then, instead of just writing a note, you will see a select list of


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In the select list, the reason "Other" will be displayed, in which it will only be possible to fill in a text note. The reason "Other" can be used for all other cases for which you will not have set templates.

At the same time, this functionality would make it possible to keep records of communication with the customer directly with the order in OO.


  • your predefined email templates and you choose the correct reason why the card order cannot be accepted

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  • the selected email will be sent to your customer as an information what’s wrong with the card order

  • at the same time, you can see basic history about these automated emails in the detail of the order


  • when the card order is marked as  incomplete, it turns red and a yellow exclamation mark icon is added to the end of the line


  • ; after hovering over it, a note with the name of the template that was sent to the customer is displayed


When creating a new template in the "incomplete order" section, it is possible to specify which cards the template applies to, the email settings for responses, and the language variants of the email. You can use the same variables in emails as in other email templates. In this section, it is also mandatory to fill in the email address to which you want to send your customers' responses. The process of responses and other follow-up communication takes place outside the platform.

