


The course clarifies the concept of working with agreements given by customers during their customer journey throught the ALIVE Platform and the ALIVE app.

1/ Introduction

Agreement with personal data processing

Compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (referred to as GDPR) is the keystone of personal data management in all modules of the ALIVE Platform.

During the customer journey, each customer grants several different agreements that are connected to his personal data protection.

For each market, the documents and the exact extent of different agreement types can differ; however, the logic of agreement management is the same for all countries.

In the first part of this course, let’s take a look at different types of agreements. In the second part, we will understand how they relate and how the customer, as well as ISIC staff, can work with them.

2/ Agreement types

2.1/ Agreement with Terms and Conditions (Mandatory agreement)


Mandatory agreement (agreement with terms and conditions) has to be granted in order to be able to get a service (for example to be able to complete card order). With every new product, the customer grants new mandatory agreement. This mandatory agreement is visually represented for example by the mandatory checkbox in last step of Online Ordering form. The text with Terms and Conditions is available through an URL link. So far, this type of agreement is not saved and transferred into any subsequent system.


Validity of each mandatory agreement is the same as the time, for that data associated with the specific product are held. For example – in case personal data about a card are held 6 months after the end of card’s validity, validity of a mandatory agreement tied to this card ends at the same moment.

2.2/ Agreement with keeping personal data for the ALIVE Profile


The agreement with processing of personal data for creating and saving the ALIVE Profile must be granted before a customer completes the journey through creating his/her ALIVE Profile. This agreement is mandatory.

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Validity of this type of agreement isn’t time restricted. Once granted, ALIVE Profile agreement is granted until a request for its revocation is sent.

How to revoke agreement

In case a customer wants to revoke his agreement with keeping personal data for running the ALIVE Profile, he needs to send an email to ISIC office in his country. The customer is informed about this fact within the ALIVE App:

2.3/ Marketing consent


Agreement with processing of personal data for marketing purposes is always tied to at least one of other agreement types mentioned above. This means – marketing consent cannot exist on its own. Marketing consent is granted for ever – or untill it is actively revoked by the customer.

Where to grant marketing consent?

Marketing consent can be granted through several ways – usually together with mandatory agreement as part of the process of ordering a product or creating the ALIVE profile. Granting marketing consent is visually represented by an optional checkbox and can be found at different stages of customer journey.

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Also, marketing consent can be given in the last step of registration process into the ALIVE App, right before the profile is created:

Other way how to grant marketing consent is when taking part in a competition within the ALIVE mobile app. For competing, marketing consent is a mandatory prerequisity.

Purposes of Marketing consent

Marketing consent is more complex and can be given/revoked for several purposes – customer can specify in more detail, which action could be performed with his personal data:

  • Receiving os emails

  • Receiving of text messages

  • Profiling in business messages – selection of relevant news

  • Display relevant content – profiling within the app

In case marketing consent is given as part of card order process, all four abovementioned purposes of marketing consent are automatically granted. However, customers can manage/revoke individual purposes – see next part.

2.3.1/ Where marketing agreement can be seen and managed?

There are more ways where marketing consent and its purposes can be managed by the customer or by ISIC ER user. The preferable way is to do this within the ALIVE App, where the customer can handle the marketing consent by himself.


Within the ALIVE App, the customer can revoke/grant the marketing consent in Personal data processing page (within „More“ menu -> “Privacy policy”).

Using the toggle switch components, the customer can grant/revoke individual purposes of marketing consent and/or marketing consent as a whole.

Marketing Manager

In Marketing Manager, marketing consent and its purposes can be seen in the detail of each contact. They are represented by „0“ or „1“ values. Based on these, contacts within Marketing Manager should be selected into segments for specific marketing campaigns. For example - for a segment used for your monthly mailings, only contacts with marketing purpose „e-mail=Yes“ should be used.

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Marketing e-mails unsubscription

When a customer receives marketing email (sent from Marketing Manager module), this email must always contain link for unsubsription. After clicking this link, the e-mail purpose of marketing consent in customer’s profile will be revoked.

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Portal – Internal application

For ER users, Portal – Internal application is the correct place where to manage marketing consent of your customers. Graphical interface of Portal gives you the best overview of all products and agreements assigned to the same customer. For each customer, you can revoke marketing consent as a whole or its individual purposes – please see the printscreen below.

All mentioned ways of granting/revoking of marketing agreement (ALIVE App, Portal, Marketing Manager) are connected – if marketing consent is revoked in one of these systems (it is for example revoked through the ALIVE mobile app), the revocation will be mirrored also in the others (in Marketing Manager and also in Portal).



All agreements are versioned, which means their content can differ over time and for each customer, it is known which version of the agreement was valid at the moment when specific customer granted the agreement.

Use cases:

Please see below some typical use cases and how to solve them.

1/ Customer asks you to revoke his marketing consent

You (as ER user) can revoke marketing consent within customer’s profile in Portal application. You can also recommend the customer to take care of marketing agreement management from his side and to make the desired changes within the ALIVE mobile app.

2/ Customer asks you to revoke agreeement for his/her ALIVE profile

Mají řešit sami? Nebo psát GTS? – musíme si sami interně dospecifikovat.

3/ Customer asks you to revoke his/her mandatory agreement

Mají řešit sami? Nebo psát GTS? – musíme si sami interně dospecifikovat.

2/ After your marketing mailing, customer doesn’t want to receive any future marketing e-mails

Customer can click the unsubscribe link that should be part of any marketing email sent from Marketing Manager. The result is the same as if the customer revokes the e-mail purpose of marketing consent within ALIVE profile (through ALIVE mobile app).


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