

In this course, we will demonstrate how to navigate the Portal application. This course serves as a practical example of using the application. To understand the data flow between the Alive Platform and the Portal, please read this course: https://gtsalive.atlassian.net/l/cp/7VwZWgeV




In this course, we will guide you step by step on how to work with the Portal application.

Upon logging into the application, you'll be on the Dashboard screen, which we are currently preparing.

At the top of the application, you will find buttons for: 1) toggling dark mode, 2) switching tenants if your market is multi-tenant, 3) language switching, and 4) user logout.


On the left side, you have the menu. Click on the "Customers" section. In this section, you'll find all the customers for that specific market.



Data export from NCDB happens in real-time, so you see all the current data here.

You can read more information about Data Flow here: https://gtsalive.atlassian.net/l/cp/7VwZWgeV

You can search among customers or filter them according to your set criteria. Multiple filters can be set simultaneously. If you wish to clear filters, simply click on the cross icon.


Customer details

In the customer details section, you'll find all the essential information about your customer. "Personal Information" can be edited using the pencil icon. Whenever you enter a new value, it needs to be confirmed either by the checkmark icon or by pressing enter.



Please note that if you make a change and do not confirm it, for example, by clicking on another place in the application, the data will not be saved, and you will lose it. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm each change with the enter key or the checkmark icon.



On the right side of customer detail page, you can find the customer's profile picture if they have uploaded one to the application.

You will also see the activation status of their account in the Alive App and, if applicable, the time and date when the profile was activated.

You can see what consents the customer has allowed or revoked. Here, you can also revoke consent on behalf of the customer by clicking on the cross icon.

Please note that in the Portal application, you cannot grant marketing consent, only revoke it.


At the bottom od the customer detail page, you'll find all the essential information about the customer's card.

Through the button “Preview card”, you can view a visual preview of the card, identical to the one displayed in the Alive app. You can also easily navigate to tabs in NCDB, such as issuer details or card details.



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