All information on setting up discounts and their branches is mentioned in the course:
In this course we will show what is relevant for working with discounts within the Alive App application and how to work with competitions.
The discount must have all mandatory information and labels filled out in order for it to be displayed correctly in the application.
The discount must be active
The competition is always linked to the discount provider whose name the competition is displayed in the application.
We can create a new competition on the detail of the discount provider or in the Competitions tab.
In the details of the new competition, it is necessary to fill in all mandatory fields in both language versions.
Reference to the Conditions of the Competition - here you insert the URL to the Conditions of the Competition
Require User's Phone Number and Address - if you check this check box, the contestant will also have to send an address and phone number with the contest question.
Start Day and End Day - The date from when to when you want the competition to be active in the application.