Alive Verify

Alive Verify

Below you may find files related to the Alive Verify online card verification tool. All information related to the Alive Verify you may find also at www.isiccheck.com.


  Soubor Upravil

Soubor PDF Alive Verify API Integration Manual.pdf EN v4.0

18.03.2024 by Lukáš Kabíček

Soubor PDF ISIC Check API Integration Manual.pdf !!! DEPRECATED !!! - EN v3.7

18.03.2024 by Lukáš Kabíček
  Soubor Upravil

Soubor isiccheck.exe ISIC Check Windows app, v1.0.2.1

23.05.2022 by Lukáš Kabíček

Archiv ZIP PCR-340.zip Windows driver for RFID chip reader PCR-340 used with ISIC Check Windows app in the Czech republic.

23.05.2022 by Lukáš Kabíček

Soubor PDF uzivatelska-prirucka-pro-aplikaci-ISIC-CHECK.pdf Czech version of the ISIC Check Windows app manual.

23.05.2022 by Lukáš Kabíček