Blog zdubna, 2022

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #20

Posted on 22. February 2022 by Nikoleta Perry

Dear issuer, 

Welcome to the ALIVE Platform bulletin which regularly informs you about the nearest upcoming changes.

This time we will inform you about a couple of small improvements which can simplify your ALIVE Platform daily routine, mainly affecting the Online Ordering module.

New Markets

The latest market that started to use the ALIVE Platform this month is Qatar. We are happy Qatar joined other GCC markets and wants to cooperate with us. Welcome on board, guys!


Position of placeholders and text for Batch Card Printing

The issue with shift in position between how the placeholders are defined in Card Designer and how they appear in Batch Card Printing has been fixed. In Card Designer, the same font is now used as in Batch Card Printing itself. After the deploy, we recommend to go through settings of your card designs before you print the plastic cards from NCDB. Maybe, according to these improvements, it will be needed to slightly change the position of some placeholders.

Select all/Cancel selection in Price Lists

Bug in selecting all items in Price Lists was fixed. Now, you can select/unselect all allowed request types in any Price List with just one click.


Online Ordering

Support for non-latin characters

Across the ALIVE Platform, support for Japanese and Arabic fonts was added. It is now possible for example to put some Japanese/Arabic text into Online Ordering and after the order is approved and exported into NCDB, the text can also be printed in Batch Card Printing, using the corresponding alphabet and character set.


The set of data transferred into Stripe administration was enriched. Now, name and email of a customer are saved in Stripe account and can be used for subsequent processes on Stripe side.

Support for multiple language versions for Terms of Service and Marketing Agreement

Support for multiple language versions for Terms of Service and Marketing Agreement was newly added into Online ordering administration. You can add language versions of these documents for all languages allowed in your Online Ordering module. For the first phase, right after the deploy, your existing texts for Terms of Service and Marketing Agreement will be automatically copypasted to all language versions for safety reasons. Therefore, no active language version will be empty. When you have a minute after the deploy, please go through these texts and add correct version for each language.

Support for PDF files

Full support for PDF files for confirmation of study was added. Until now, the students could upload their confirmation of study as PDF. However, in the backend, these files were automatically saved as JPG files, which caused trouble above all for documents with more pages. Now, the system takes the PDF file and simply saves it in the database. PDF files with watermarks and electronic signature are supported as well.

Gender “Other”

Customers in Online Ordering (and also in Card Issuing) can now choose “Other” as a value for their gender. This value is of course reflected also in all other modules of the ALIVE Platform.


Discount Manager


Wider support for special characters within passwords was added. Discount Manager can handle all set of characters in passwords.

Discount Manager plugin for WordPress

Issue with mixed content when playing videos via our WordPress plugin was fixed. In Discount Manager, videos from YouTube and Vimeo can be attached to your Discounts (simply put URL of the video into corresponding field in DM administration). These videos are then played in pop up window on your websites, in case you use our WordPress plugin.


Open Graph meta tags improved

Content from websites using our WordPress plugin can be easily shared on social networks, providing good results based on added OG tags.

Feel free to download the latest version of our WP plugin

Transaction list

Improvements in filtering in Verifications/Transactions list.

Other improvements

Better display of icon tooltip texts accross all modules of the ALIVE Platform. These tooltips are displayed when the when the mouse cursor points on an icon.



ALIVE Platform Bulletin #19

Posted on 15. November 2021 by Lukas Vit

Dear issuer, 

Welcome to the ALIVE Platform bulletin which regularly informs you about the nearest upcoming changes.
This time we will inform you about a couple of small improvements which can simplify your ALIVE Platform daily routine.We will also briefly introduce our brand new mobile app called ALIVE APP which completes the ALIVE Platform ecosystem.



Lately, NCDB faced some minor updates, which, however, can be very useful for your daily routine.

Change of copyright position 

The position of copyright on login page was changed. Previous position generated some issues on smaller screens, so the copyright was moved into bottom right corner.



Anonymized cardholders no longer in API GET response 

Cardholders who have already been anonymized are no more returned when calling the External Issuers API GET /cardholders.list endpoint. From now on, your external partners can be sure that only cardholders who haven’t been shredded are present in the list returned in API response.


Export of unprocessed card orders for Personalization center 

Personalization center’s staff can now export the .xlsx file containing only card orders that fit the set filters.Using this feature, for example, unprocessed orders only that fit the defined period can be exported.


Checkbox „NCDB Orders“ 

Checkbox „NCDB Orders“ in Card Issuer detail has now more power than before. In case it is unchecked for a Card Issuer user, the whole “Orders” section together with “New Order” button will not appear anymore. This should make orientation in NCDB easier as Card Issuer users won’t see buttons that are not relevant for them.


Online Ordering

Postal code validation 

Some customers reported an error when trying to place a card order through Online Ordering form. Quite often, the root of these errors was that the customers placed too long string into Postal Code field. To avoid this, a limit of 10 characters was set for this field. The customers will be notified if they insert too long value and this solution will avoid failures during order placement.


URL for eligibility confirmation now in detail of card order 

When a card order is created through the specific URL for Card Issuer integrated with Online Ordering, an automated email is sent to mailbox of Card Issuer’s staff. Without confirming the eligibility through clicking an URL within this email, it is not possible to approve the order.

However, it can happen that this email is marked as spam or the staff just doesn’t take notice. For these cases, the confirmation URL is now present in the detail of these card orders so you can resend the link directly to the card issuer’s staff.


Discount Manager

As already announced in last ALIVE Platform bulletin, the new Competitions module was fully launched as part of Discount Manager. Just to remind – Competitions will be displayed to the signed in customers – cardholders in the mobile app developed by GTS and new website WordPress plugins (both communicated as a new Client Zone module). Competitions are now run as pilot in Czech market, together with our new ALIVE APP.

A competition displayed on the website and the same competition, displayed in the ALIVE APP:


Marketing Manager

We are just a few steps from upgrading Marketing Manager to a newer version. This new version will be based on Mautic 2.16.5 and, according to Mautic documentation, it should fix some known older issues, such as incorrect email statistics.



Within the previous one and half year, one of our main goals was to develop a new Client Zone which is a set of more new ALIVE Platform modules we will gradually introduce you.

The most important part is a new mobile application called ALIVE APP. The app is available for both Android and iOS operating systems. We launched it at the end of August in a pilot stage in the Czech republic. Within 2022 we will slowly start rolling it out to other countries using the ALIVE Platform which will be interested in its usage.

ALIVE APP, together with the whole Client zone, conceptually completes the ALIVE Platform ecosystem and brings its users some advantages, such as:

  • Display of ISIC/ITIC/IYTC digital cards

  • Display of benefits (both local and global)

  • Possibility to get discount voucher codes defined in Discount Manager

  • Overview about all cards (both valid and expired)

  • Possibility to compete in competitions defined in Discount Manager

  • Modern user interface

  • …and much more

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #18

Posted on 21. May 2021 by Lukas Vit

Dear issuer,

welcome to the ALIVE Platform bulletin which regularly informs you about nearest upcoming changes.

This time, we will inform you about NCDB tweaks and the preview of a new feature in DM which will be surely useful for you and your partners.



New placeholders for Card Designer

To offer more possibilities when printing plastic cards and generating digital cards, some new placeholders were added into Card Designer in NCDB.

For some specific card designs, there was a need to print cardholder first and last name separately. Therefore, the previously used placeholder “CARDHOLER_NAME” changed its name to “CARDHOLDER_FULL_NAME” (no change in functionality, just a change of name) and two new placeholders were added. These are:



Also, we created two new placeholders for pre-nominal and post-nominal academic degrees:



These placeholders can be useful for example for academic cobrands.

All new placeholders behave the same way as the old ones. From your side, no change of your currently defined card designs in NCDB is needed!

Changes in issued cards import (external card issuers)

One of many ways how to issue cards within the ALIVE Platform is through External Issuers. Just a quick note to remind – external card issuers are such issuers (big universities or banks for example) who issue/print cards completely on their side and just report these issued cards into NCDB. The cards can be reported through the API or through imported XLSX file. The XLSX import faced some changes in order to meet the needs for better data quality and also to offer more possibilities. The changes are listed below:


Changed attribute VALID -> ACTIVE

One of mandatory columns in imported XLSX file is called “Card State”. This column defines if the imported or updated card should be active or inactive. Up to now, the allowed values have been “VALID” and “VOIDED” (for cancelled cards). However, the value “VALID” was confusing because it didn’t refer to the card validity (ie. when the validity starts and when the card is going to expire), and therefore we changed it to “ACTIVE” meaning just the opposite to the cancelled card. Cancelled card can’t be used by the user and is useful for situations when it’s damaged, lost, stolen or the cardholder simply returned the card to its issuer for some reason (not studying any more etc.). You’ll find more information under the question mark icon in NCDB when making the import or in the LMS course mentioned below.

Thank you very much for sharing this information to external issuers in your market who import their cards by themselves using the XLSX files. This change does not affect SOAP API integrations.

Also, please notify the external issuers to use for the import the sample XLSX file that can be downloaded from NCDB, from the step when they do the import (the sample file is hidden under the question mark icon).


Better quality of imported data

Data quality is the alpha and the omega of every information system and the ALIVE Platform is no exception. In accord with this statement, some new data quality checks were implemented into the logic of imported XLSX file processing.

  • In the imported file, there mustn’t be any duplicities in both e-mail addresses and phone numbers. These quality checks ensure that external issuers cannot for example import 1000 cards with the same e-mail address, which historically caused many consecutive issues. Consider the unique email is the main key for Marketing Manager for example and it can bring big trouble in case the same e-mail is assigned to more cardholders. Correct and unique e-mail addresses will be also essential for the upcoming Profile Manager and Client Zone modules.

  • Cardholders’ Date of Birth, which has been optional until now, was made mandatory. Also in this case, the purpose of this change is to have better data within the ALIVE Platform and should not cause any issues for you as the date of birth is already a mandatory attribute on both plastic and digital cards. In case you don’t have dates of birth, you for example cannot make any “age based” filtering in Marketing Manager and apply legal related features in case the cardholder is a child younger than an age defined in the market configuration (according to GDPR or other national regulations).


Import of cards with photos

A new feature allows the external issuers to attach photos directly to the imported XLSX file which was not possible up to now. This feature works as follows:

  • Within the imported file, there is a new column called “Photo File”. This column is designed to contain text field indicating the name of the photo, including the format suffix (e.g. .jpg).

  • Together with the XLSX file, it is possible to import also a ZIP archive with photos. These photos must have exactly the same names as defined in the XLSX file.

  • When the cards are being imported, the system takes all photo names from the XLSX file and tries to find matching photos in the ZIP file. In case some files are not found, the import cannot be successful.

  • Please take into account that the imported photos should be in JPG image format, 450 x 540 pixels, portrait orientation. NCDB expects that their format and quality meet the card photo quality standards. In this upload process there is no automated quality check mechanism implemented.

Please take into consideration that importing photos through the XLSX files is an operation requiring a lot of performance and the photos upload and processing takes some time. Therefore it is not recommended to import more than a few hundreds of cards with photos at once. For large amounts of cards, the recommended way is to use the API for external issuers or split imported data into more smaller batches.

For more information about external issuers, feel free to have a look at our LMS course How to work with external card issuers – ALIVE Platform LMS.


Anonymized cards/cardholders

In NCDB administration, the visual interpretation of cards and cardholders whose data have already been anonymized has been updated. Once a card and its cardholder have been anonymized, it is not possible to edit the record, however in the past the UX was not made well. From now you will be able to clearly see the anonymized records in the lists of cards and cardholders as they are grayed. Moreover, in the list of cards you’ll be also able to filter all anonymized cards using a new card status filter option. In the detail or edit page of a card or cardholder you can newly see a notification bar informing you that the record has been anonymized and all action buttons for edit or delete the records are newly hidden. When using APIs, for anonymized records a new error messages with specific information about anonymized records have been also implemented so the API integrators will receive more precise information about the data.

An example of new API response when trying to update an anonymized entity through the external card issuer’s SOAP API:


<env:Text xml:lang="en">Card is already anonymized.</env:Text>


Changed strings in EN language

We did a lot of tweaks in the English text strings within the whole NCDB to better describe the features, input fields or notifications or simply meet a new naming and text formatting standards which we are starting to implement. These changes don’t have any impact on the functionality, they were made just for better user experience and understanding of NCDB features.

In case you feel some English labels in NCDB (but also in other modules) are confusing, please let us know and we can discuss together how to improve the wording. Your feedback is highly appreciated!


Other NCDB improvements

  • direct support of CSS code in the detail of Card Issuers

  • new font for Batch Card Printing for better print quality

  • if an NCDB order is divided into more smaller orders, notes are automatically assigned to all of them

  • UX improvements of Cardholders’s Bulk Update

  • NCDB “RETURNED” status for cards issued and then returned through CI module

Discount Manager – Competitions module

A new feature of “Competitions” was added into Discount Manager. It is a first part of a big set of new features which we are working hard on in relation to the Profile Manager and Client Zone modules. You can take a look at it and send us your first feedback so we can make it together working absolutely great. Competitions will be displayed to the signed in customers – cardholders in the upcoming mobile app developed by GTS and new website WordPress plugins (both communicated as a new Client Zone module).

You can find the competitions in main vertical menu of the Discount Manager. New competitions may be added from the discount provider detail page. Please take a look and play around with this feature only in the test environment.


Launch of new markets

ALIVE Platform for Morocco

We are happy to announce that the ALIVE Platform for Morocco has been just launched. Welcome on board, we are looking forward to a longlasting and fruitful cooperation, Christophe.


ALIVE Platform for Argentina

We are also more than happy to start the onboarding process with Argentina that is supposed to start using the ALIVE Platform soon.

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #17

Posted on 26. February 2021 by Lukas Vit

Dear issuer,

welcome to the ALIVE Platform bulletin that informs you about upcoming changes. 

This year will bring many changes and new functionalities into the ALIVE Platform. We want to stay relevant with modern technologies, keep the pace and reflect changing needs of you –  our clients. The majority of these changes is connected to digital cards usage. 

Besides constantly working on the backend improvements, we are also preparing changes that will be visible to you and that (hopefully) will bring improvements to your business. The most important changes that will be deployed in following weeks are listed below.



New Card Designer & Batch Card Printing 

The most visible change is complete redesign of our Card designer (you can find the Card Designer in NCDB -> Licence Management -> Card Designs). As part of this redesign, the following improvements are implemented:

  • More options for placeholders 

  • More ways for text formatting (support of text colors, rotation, text size etc.) 

  • Support of QR Codes/Barcodes, which can capture data of your choice 

  • Support of Custom fields (primarily in connection with API for External Issuers) 

  • Better User experience of entire designer 


You can test the new Card Designer in the test environment  ( ). Capabilities of the new Card Designer, in connection to Batch Card Printing function, are described in detail in LMS course “Batch Card Printing”.  

All features defined through the new Card Designer can be used also in digital cards display in third party solutions. If you are interested in this topic, please contact us.


API for External Issuers 

As already announced in previous bulletin, we are just a few steps from launching the new REST API for External Card Issuers into the live environment. At the moment, there are already some running pilot implementations, where we are fixing last bugs. Just to remind you – the API is intended for card issuers who issue cards by themselves (digital or plastic including plastic card printing) and would like to communicate with the National Cardholder Database (NCDB) in an automated way. The API allows for managing cardholders, report issued cards or request card issuance (difference is in the card number stock management) as well as manage card validity, status and a few other attributes. This API is an ideal solution for example for banks, universities with thousands of students and other institutions with extensive client base.

In case you are interested in this API, please let us know and we can discuss it individually. You can already test this API and start the integration process with your partners – in test environment, the API is fully working.

To get more information about the API, please take a look at LMS course

Important:  Please note that the new API for External Issuers is going to fully replace existing SOAP API. Please take into account that this “old” API won’t be further upgraded and is going to be supported only until it is switched off during 2022. Concrete date will be announced in advance. However, please keep this already in mind and inform your partners about necessity to implement new more advanced and secured technical solution. Also, please don’t offer the old API to any new partner. From now on only the new API is allowed to be used for new partnerships.

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #16

Posted on 16. December 2020 by Lukas Vit

Dear issuer,

welcome to the ALIVE Platform Christmas review where we pick up the most important development tasks that have been implemented into the system in 2020 and will hopefully help you run your business.

The pandemic of corona virus is unfortunately still with us and it affects ISIC business worldwide. Some offices have been completely closed, some others can’t print plastic cards, because the staff works remotely, etc.

We have tried to use this time after the business slowed down to prepare some new functionalities and to fix many background, mainly technical stuff to improve the ALIVE Platform so it is prepared for the moment when business returns in full swing again.


Support Service at the End of the Year

We would like to inform you that our Prague office will be closed from 24th December 2020 untill 3rd January 2021. However in case you would require urgent support during this period, please enter your query via Service Desk directly or send an email to and our IT support team will help you as earliest as possible. Critical support issues can  be also reported through our 24/7 hotline (+420 226 222 350) in case this service is included in your service package.

On behalf of the whole GTS ALIVE team we would like to thank you for being with us in 2020 and wish you Merry Christmas spent with your loved ones and we are looking forward to successful cooperation in 2021!




Splitting of Orders 

When you are processing a large amount of card orders every day using NCDB, our improved functionality can be helpful in your daily routine. This functionality ensures that card orders are split based on their validity (when the card validity starts) and you can send to Personalization centre only the cards with validity which you want to print immediately. The card validity (in case the validity is in future) is also added as a suffix to the name of card order for easier recognition. 


History of Card 

To get better data about the changes that happen to cards, card issuers, card designs and serial ranges, we implemented some steps that help us keep the history of mentioned entities. To explain this simply – whenever there is for example any change of card validity (card is updated, the validity is changed, card is cancelled etc.), a new timestamp tied to this particular card is added into the database table that keeps data about card history. 

Through this functionality, we have better possibilities when trying to find out which steps have been performed upon any card, and we are gaining more (and better) data for reporting purposes through the BI tool. 

This is only the initial step, we stared to collect these data only recently, so we will see and evaluate in several months what we can pull from collected data through Business Intelligence and what benefits the data can bring for your business. 


New API for External Issuers 

We also worked hard to complete new API through which External Issuers can report issued/printed cards. Just a reminder – External issuers are those card issuers who issue cards completely on their side and they just report which cards have been issued (see our LMS course). 

This new REST based API is a successor of the current SOAP API (which will be supported for some time further). The API brings you for example: 

  • Support of custom fields

  • Better processing of cardholder’s photos (.jpg/.png formats and direct binary data instead of Base 64 format)

  • Much more flexibility, offering two modes how the issued cards can be reported. These modes differ from each other based on who takes care of the stock of serial numbers.

The API is now in a testing phase, but the documentation is already available for you.

We will also prepare a LMS course for this API, once it is launched live.

Please contact us in case you are interested in this API or you plan to start a cooperation with new external issuer who will use the API for data transfers. The old SOAP API operation will be terminated in about a year. We will inform you in advance so you’ll get enough time to agree with current SOAP API users to migrate to the new one.


Online Ordering 


Legal Representative’s Data in Order Detail 

When the customer ordering a card in Online Ordering is younger than a defined age (this age differs for every country based on the local legal directives), it is also necessary to add information about his/her legal representative.

In Online Ordering administration, from now on, all information about legal representative is displayed directly in the detail of card order, not only in editing mode as previously. We believe this UX improvement will be useful for your staff who operates online orders. 


More Possibilities to Filter Card Orders 

Into Online Ordering administration, new filter labelled Email has been added. Using this filter, it is possible to find card orders containing specified email address of the customer or their legal representative. 

More, another new filter labelled Orders Requiring Attention has been added. Using this filter, you are able to filter out all card orders which have been manually marked as “incomplete” for example in case of a bad photo quality, unsatisfactory proof of student status etc. 



Less Scrolling down 

In Online Ordering form, the order of years (when the user chooses his/her date of birth) in the drop down menu was turned upside down, so current year is at the top and other years follow. This change means less scrolling down for your customers, when searching for correct year of birth. 



Into Online Ordering module, support for Cookiebot service was added. Cookiebot is a service that, after you create your Cookiebot account and add the domain you want to scan, can display to your customers a floating window which encourages them to specify cookie policy. Within the Online Ordering administration, all you need is to enable the Cookiebot service in Global Settings and to put two strings, which Cookiebot generates. 


Links to GDPR Documents 

In Online Ordering form, it is now possible to display links for up to three external documents that can be related to GDPR or can contain other legal regulatory information necessary for your business. When a URL is inserted, these links are automatically displayed in every step of the Online Ordering form (right below the form). You can set them in Online Ordering administration -> Global settings. Names of the documents are of course localizable using your Localization Manager account. 


Prevention of Double Click 

Many customers complained about the problem with resubmitting of orders in Online Ordering form. When the customer was impatient and clicked the “Place order” button multiple times before he/she was redirected to the payment gate, more card orders with the same data have been created. Your staff then needed to go through them one by one which was time consuming and non–effective, customers were confused by more card order confirmation emails. From now on, when the customer pushes the button for the first time, the button becomes inactive (coloured with grey colour), next submits are not accepted and only one card order is created. 


Discount Manager

New Version of the DM WordPress Plugin

As we already informed in one of our bulletins, a new version of the DM WordPress plugin was launched and distributed to you during 2020. 

Beside all changes mentioned in our bulletins, the plugin also brings some changes in support of map providers – beside GoogleMaps, the Discount Manager plugin now also supports map service provided by OpenStreetMap project. Within the administration of the plugin, you can choose which map provider you prefer. Corresponding map tiles are displayed immediately after you confirm your choice. OpenStreetMap map is a free service, so you can save some money from your budget if you use it instead of GoogleMaps, where you need to pay for the API key. 

Before installing this new version of the plugin, which can be downloaded here, we recommend going through the Readme file which is included inside the installation package. 


Other Major Background Changes 

Automated Deployment Completed 

We finished the autodeploy of last modules of the ALIVE Platform, so we can deploy new releases of the ALIVE Platform much more easily than before, when everything needed to be performed manually. The deployment is of course still not “on one mouse click”, but the speed has been rapidly improved and above all, there is less space for making a mistake based on human factor.


Discount Manager Optimization 

We are constantly working on the optimization of data flow within Discount Manager. Imagine just all the verifications that are coming into the system every second when someone verifies his/her card! This is a lot of data which we need to handle and save effectively.


New Version of Elasticseach 

The Elasticsearch engine which powers discount searching in the DM plugin for WordPress and school name autocomplete fields in the Online Ordering form and card issuing form in the CI module, was used in very old version. This was upgraded to the newest one what secured better performance and reliability.


New Data Storage 

One of the further background changes was a switch from AWS EFS data storage system to AWS S3 system which has some advanced features which will be useful for us next year and is also much cheaper than EFS. This is one of the changes that cannot be really recognized from your side, but has big effect on speed and stability when the data like cardholder photos, proofs of study, card designs are written or read.


SMTP Changes for Better Email Deliverability 

Lately, some of you contacted us regarding the issues with deliverability of emails sent through Marketing Manager. We know that deliverability of emails to customers is alpha and omega of your business and we take these issues very seriously. 

At first, please let us tell some words about email deliverability, because to gain 100% deliverability of emails is a kind of magic and every system that sends so many emails as the ALIVE Platform struggles with it from time to time. 

The root of the deliverability is the reputation of sender. The reputation, on technical level, can be improved by verifying sender’s domain and correct settings of  DKIM, SPF records etc. (see  for more information). However, the reputation also depends on the amount of sent and bounced emails and on the content of emails, which is not possible to control from our side.

During 2020, as the number of sent emails grew more rapidly (mailing campaigns became more important in corona virus time), we’ve been facing the limits of our email services. More sent emails mean more bounced emails, more danger that the SMTP server can be banned or marked as spammer etc.

Taken from this point of view, best long term solution for you would be to start using your own SMTP server, which can bring you the following advantages:

  • You can choose SMTP server which best suits your needs and you can scale its performance according to number of sent emails

  • You have full control over the SMTP server

  • Through your own settings and domain verification, you can gain the best possible email deliverability

To discuss this topic in more detail, we will contact you individually during the following year and together, we will surely find the most suitable solution for your business.



Into our LMS portal, we also added three new courses which cover the most often used APIs. These courses do not want to replace the official API documentation, they rather show typical use cases how the API can be used. 

Below, see direct links to mentioned courses:

  • API for Individual Online Orders

  • API for Creating NCDB Orders

  • API for NCDB Cards Import

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #15

Posted on 4. May 2020 by Lukas Vit

Welcome to 15th issue of the ALIVE Platform bulletin!

Within this issue, we bring you new interesting information about new features in the ALIVE Platform.

This time, major topics are improvements in Discount Manager and backend changes. Beside that, we are also happy to show you our roadmap for future development, as well as introduce to you our development team. Find out more using the link below.

View Bulletin

Introduction of the ALIVE Platform

Posted on 24. September 2020 by Lukas Vit

Dear colleagues from ISIC community,

in case you are thinking of using the ALIVE Platform to support your ISIC business, feel free to have a look at our presentation that offers you some basic overview of the system.

If you are interested in the ALIVE Platform and want to find more information, please contact us using email

Best regards,

The ALIVE Platform team

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #14

Posted on 19. December 2019 by Lukas Vit

The 14th issue of the ALIVE Platform bulletin brings you important information about recent development of the ALIVE Platform, as well as about our plans for next months.

It also informs about our support during Christmas 2019. Click the link below to stay tuned!

View Bulletin

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #13

Posted on 30. August 2019 by Lukas Vit

The 13th issue of the ALIVE Platform bulletin was just published! In this bulletin, you can read about brand refresh which is going to be implemented into all modules of the ALIVE Platform. Also, other important information, regarding for example backend development, is included.

View Bulletin

Marketing Manager – segment deactivation

Posted on 4. October 2019 by Lukas Vit

Dear users of the ALIVE Platform!

Recently, we have faced some performance issues with our Marketing Manager module. These issues are partly connected to big amount of active segments in many markets. As new and new contacts are added into Marketing Manager, all active segments have to be constantly updated, which makes the system slower and unstable.
It is highly probable that part of these active segments are no loger used (they are only relicts of older campaigns and mailings).

At this point, we’d like to ask you for cooperation: could you please go through your segments and deactivate (it means unpublish) these which are no longer used? The result will be better running system which brings profit to all of us.

Thank you very much for cooperation!

The ALIVE Platform team

Localization Manager has been launched!

Posted on 8. November 2019 by Lukas Vit

We are happy to let you know that the new Localization Manager has been launched.

What is Localization Manager?

Localization Manager is a new system for translating content of the ALIVE Platorm. It is a modern replacement of older system Transifex that was used for translating the ALIVE Platform before.

Using Localization Manager, you can translate the strings in an user friendly interface, you can work alone or in teams. Localization Manager can even help you with translating, because it can create semi automatic translations, using capabilities of built-in Google Translator.

To find out how to use the Localization Manager and which possibilities it offers you, please have a look at our free LMS course:

For entering the Localization Manager, please use the following URL:

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #12

Posted on 24. May 2019 by Lukas Vit

The 12th issue of the ALIVE Platform bulletin was just published! In this bulletin, you can read about all new features which come to life with next release of the ALIVE Platform, as well as about the upcoming ISIC Event in Thessaloniki, where you can meet us and discuss your needs for new functionalities.

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Migrating onboarding emails for NCDB Issuers into Marketing Manager

Posted on 23. August 2019 by Lukas Vit

Welcome to our first blogpost where we want to inform you about upcoming changes in the ALIVE Platform!

This post can be useful for all countries, where the automated emails are sent for cards issued through NCDB. For approximately last 2 years, these emails have been sent by an external script, which worked really fine, but the possibilities of email customization were kind of limited. When you wanted to activate the automated emails for new Card Issuer, you just informed us about it and we added this Card Issuer into the list.

However, during this autumn, our plan is to migrate these automated emails into Marketing Manager, where you have better overview of sent emails, you can customize the email templates, make your own structured campaigns etc.

As the number of Card Issuers that currently use the script is relatively high, it takes some time to move them all into Marketing Manager.

This is our plan how the migration should proceed:

1/ In Marketing Manager, we will prepare everything for the migration for your Card Issuers.

2/ As a next step, we will contact you, describe the settings in Marketing Manager to you, so you can check everything is set up correctly.

3/ When we receive your confirmation that you understand the whole process, the old script for your Card Issuers will be switched off and the emails sent from Marketing Manager will be activated.

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #11

Posted on 12. March 2019 by Lukas Vit

We have published the 11th issue of the ALIVE Platform bulletin through which we’ll regularly inform you about new features and important announcements related to the ALIVE Platform. In this bulletin, we summarize new features in the ALIVE Platform and in LMS courses.

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ALIVE Platform Bulletin #10

Posted on 3. January 2019 by Lukas Vit

We have published the 10th issue of the ALIVE Platform bulletin through which we’ll regularly inform you about new features and important announcements related to the ALIVE Platform. In this bulletin, you can read for example news about launching Marketing Manager and you are invited to take part in our online survey called “Does the ALIVE Platform suit your needs?”.

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ALIVE Platform Bulletin #9

Posted on 7. November 2018 by Lukas Vit

We have published the 9th issue of the ALIVE Platform bulletin through which we’ll regularly inform you about new features and important announcements related to the ALIVE Platform. In this bulletin, you can read for example a case study about how we used our new module Marketing Manager in real situation during our regular “ISIC Tour”. We are looking forward to your feedback and comments.

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ALIVE Platform Bulletin #8

Posted on 14. September 2018 by Lukas Vit

We have published the 8th issue of the ALIVE Platform bulletin through which we’ll regularly inform you about new features and important announcements related to the ALIVE Platform. Feel free to read it and send us your comments!

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ALIVE Platform Bulletin #7

Posted on 13. July 2018 by Lukas Vit

We have published the 6th issue of the ALIVE Platform bulletin through which we’ll regularly inform you about new features and important announcements related to the ALIVE Platform. This time, ALIVE Platform is full of new functionalities!

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ALIVE Platform Bulletin #6

Posted on 13. July 2018 by Lukas Vit

We have published the 6th issue of the ALIVE Platform bulletin through which we’ll regularly inform you about new features and important announcements related to the ALIVE Platform. This time, ALIVE Platform is full of new functionalities!

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