ALIVE Platform Bulletin #20

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #20

Posted on 22. February 2022 by Nikoleta Perry

Dear issuer, 

Welcome to the ALIVE Platform bulletin which regularly informs you about the nearest upcoming changes.

This time we will inform you about a couple of small improvements which can simplify your ALIVE Platform daily routine, mainly affecting the Online Ordering module.

New Markets

The latest market that started to use the ALIVE Platform this month is Qatar. We are happy Qatar joined other GCC markets and wants to cooperate with us. Welcome on board, guys!


Position of placeholders and text for Batch Card Printing

The issue with shift in position between how the placeholders are defined in Card Designer and how they appear in Batch Card Printing has been fixed. In Card Designer, the same font is now used as in Batch Card Printing itself. After the deploy, we recommend to go through settings of your card designs before you print the plastic cards from NCDB. Maybe, according to these improvements, it will be needed to slightly change the position of some placeholders.

Select all/Cancel selection in Price Lists

Bug in selecting all items in Price Lists was fixed. Now, you can select/unselect all allowed request types in any Price List with just one click.



Online Ordering

Support for non-latin characters

Across the ALIVE Platform, support for Japanese and Arabic fonts was added. It is now possible for example to put some Japanese/Arabic text into Online Ordering and after the order is approved and exported into NCDB, the text can also be printed in Batch Card Printing, using the corresponding alphabet and character set.


The set of data transferred into Stripe administration was enriched. Now, name and email of a customer are saved in Stripe account and can be used for subsequent processes on Stripe side.

Support for multiple language versions for Terms of Service and Marketing Agreement

Support for multiple language versions for Terms of Service and Marketing Agreement was newly added into Online ordering administration. You can add language versions of these documents for all languages allowed in your Online Ordering module. For the first phase, right after the deploy, your existing texts for Terms of Service and Marketing Agreement will be automatically copypasted to all language versions for safety reasons. Therefore, no active language version will be empty. When you have a minute after the deploy, please go through these texts and add correct version for each language.

Support for PDF files

Full support for PDF files for confirmation of study was added. Until now, the students could upload their confirmation of study as PDF. However, in the backend, these files were automatically saved as JPG files, which caused trouble above all for documents with more pages. Now, the system takes the PDF file and simply saves it in the database. PDF files with watermarks and electronic signature are supported as well.

Gender “Other”

Customers in Online Ordering (and also in Card Issuing) can now choose “Other” as a value for their gender. This value is of course reflected also in all other modules of the ALIVE Platform.



Discount Manager


Wider support for special characters within passwords was added. Discount Manager can handle all set of characters in passwords.

Discount Manager plugin for WordPress

Issue with mixed content when playing videos via our WordPress plugin was fixed. In Discount Manager, videos from YouTube and Vimeo can be attached to your Discounts (simply put URL of the video into corresponding field in DM administration). These videos are then played in pop up window on your websites, in case you use our WordPress plugin.


Open Graph meta tags improved

Content from websites using our WordPress plugin can be easily shared on social networks, providing good results based on added OG tags.

Feel free to download the latest version of our WP plugin

Transaction list

Improvements in filtering in Verifications/Transactions list.

Other improvements

Better display of icon tooltip texts accross all modules of the ALIVE Platform. These tooltips are displayed when the when the mouse cursor points on an icon.



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