ALIVE Platform Bulletin #19

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #19

Posted on 15. November 2021 by Lukas Vit

Dear issuer, 

Welcome to the ALIVE Platform bulletin which regularly informs you about the nearest upcoming changes.
This time we will inform you about a couple of small improvements which can simplify your ALIVE Platform daily routine.We will also briefly introduce our brand new mobile app called ALIVE APP which completes the ALIVE Platform ecosystem.



Lately, NCDB faced some minor updates, which, however, can be very useful for your daily routine.

Change of copyright position 

The position of copyright on login page was changed. Previous position generated some issues on smaller screens, so the copyright was moved into bottom right corner.



Anonymized cardholders no longer in API GET response 

Cardholders who have already been anonymized are no more returned when calling the External Issuers API GET /cardholders.list endpoint. From now on, your external partners can be sure that only cardholders who haven’t been shredded are present in the list returned in API response.


Export of unprocessed card orders for Personalization center 

Personalization center’s staff can now export the .xlsx file containing only card orders that fit the set filters.Using this feature, for example, unprocessed orders only that fit the defined period can be exported.


Checkbox „NCDB Orders“ 

Checkbox „NCDB Orders“ in Card Issuer detail has now more power than before. In case it is unchecked for a Card Issuer user, the whole “Orders” section together with “New Order” button will not appear anymore. This should make orientation in NCDB easier as Card Issuer users won’t see buttons that are not relevant for them.


Online Ordering

Postal code validation 

Some customers reported an error when trying to place a card order through Online Ordering form. Quite often, the root of these errors was that the customers placed too long string into Postal Code field. To avoid this, a limit of 10 characters was set for this field. The customers will be notified if they insert too long value and this solution will avoid failures during order placement.


URL for eligibility confirmation now in detail of card order 

When a card order is created through the specific URL for Card Issuer integrated with Online Ordering, an automated email is sent to mailbox of Card Issuer’s staff. Without confirming the eligibility through clicking an URL within this email, it is not possible to approve the order.

However, it can happen that this email is marked as spam or the staff just doesn’t take notice. For these cases, the confirmation URL is now present in the detail of these card orders so you can resend the link directly to the card issuer’s staff.


Discount Manager

As already announced in last ALIVE Platform bulletin, the new Competitions module was fully launched as part of Discount Manager. Just to remind – Competitions will be displayed to the signed in customers – cardholders in the mobile app developed by GTS and new website WordPress plugins (both communicated as a new Client Zone module). Competitions are now run as pilot in Czech market, together with our new ALIVE APP.

A competition displayed on the website and the same competition, displayed in the ALIVE APP:


Marketing Manager

We are just a few steps from upgrading Marketing Manager to a newer version. This new version will be based on Mautic 2.16.5 and, according to Mautic documentation, it should fix some known older issues, such as incorrect email statistics.



Within the previous one and half year, one of our main goals was to develop a new Client Zone which is a set of more new ALIVE Platform modules we will gradually introduce you.

The most important part is a new mobile application called ALIVE APP. The app is available for both Android and iOS operating systems. We launched it at the end of August in a pilot stage in the Czech republic. Within 2022 we will slowly start rolling it out to other countries using the ALIVE Platform which will be interested in its usage.

ALIVE APP, together with the whole Client zone, conceptually completes the ALIVE Platform ecosystem and brings its users some advantages, such as:

  • Display of ISIC/ITIC/IYTC digital cards

  • Display of benefits (both local and global)

  • Possibility to get discount voucher codes defined in Discount Manager

  • Overview about all cards (both valid and expired)

  • Possibility to compete in competitions defined in Discount Manager

  • Modern user interface

  • …and much more

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