API for Individual Sales Service
This document describes API for Individual Sales Service (also referred to with abbreviation ISS) in the information system ALIVE Platform. API for Individual Sales Service was developed for card issuers (mostly universities) that issue digital only cards by themselves, but the student pays for the card from his/her side through online payment gateway. The API also allows to manage cardholders, card validity, status and other related parameters.
High level description of the whole process (more detailed description at the end of this tutorial):
1/ University creates a cardholder.
2/ University uploads photo for a cardholder (this step is not mandatory).
3/ University sends API request for new card issuance or for validity extension.
4/ The API returns back URL for a website, where the student (cardholder) puts additional personal data, contact data and pays for the card. Payment gateway with several payment methods is integrated into the whole process.
API specification
• All API endpoints are secured so the client must be successfully authenticated to be able to call them.
• Client authentication is secured by Bearer Token which must be sent in the header of each API request as Authorization: Bearer xxx (xxx substituted by the token). The API is not session based.
• To obtain valid token the client is requested to call authentication service endpoint using unique authentication credentials provided by his ISIC account manager.
• The validity of the token is very short (token validity is a part of the authentication endpoint response) thus we recommend to ask for a new token before every set of the API requests.
• Data transfers are encrypted using SSL.
Content Type
• Most of the requests and responses use JSON data format (application/json content-type). Clients should also include request header parameter Accept: application/json to receive correct response data format.
• Images are uploaded using multipart/form-data encoding type. Besides a path to the image stored in the local device (as permanent or temporary file) the request must contain also cardholder_id
attribute to identify the cardholder to whom the image is being uploaded. Base64 encoded images are not supported. A direct image data format is also not supported.
• Images are downloaded as general binary data (octet-stream) with appropriate MIME Content-Type header. Base64 encoded images are not supported.
• All requests should be sent with UTF-8 charset specified in the header.
Parameter and Attribute Validations
• The API validates query parameters and attributes of created or modified objects.
• Any errors are in the body of HTTP 422 response (see object model “Errors”).
• The error messages are only in English language.
• The API uses logical operator AND between query parameters.
• Date data type attributes are expected and returned in format “yyyy-MM-dd”.
• Datetime data type attributes uses ISO 8601 extended format
In API requests, date and time values are expected in local timezone with specification of the offset from UTC (e.g. for UTC+5 timezone the format should be “2020-08-03T14:35:26+05:00” meaning you would like to get data for specified day and time with time shift of 5 hours ahead of UTC).
In API responses, date and time values are always in UTC.
Listings Pagination
• The API supports “limit” and “offset” parameters in data listings to reduce data traffic for individual requests.
• The “limit” parameter is mandatory, its maximal value is not restricted.
• The “offset” parameter is zero-based index of the first returned record.
Responses Handling
• Clients are requested to ignore all unknown attributes in API responses to preserve compatibility in the future.
• The order of parameters in JSON responses is not significant and may change over time. Clients are requested to not rely on it.
Data Model
General Object Models
API Responses
API responses contain from HTTP code and response body with pre-defined structure as described below. In case of error the human readable error messages should be used only for debugging purposes and are not meant to be displayed to the end users.
[MODEL] API Response
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
message | String | Human readable API request result (provided only in English). |
data | Array | Nested array of objects based on API endpoint relation (e.g. [MODEL] Card). |
code | Integer | In case of error this attribute contains numeric error code. |
errors | Array | Optional nested array of objects representing individual validation or error messages (see [MODEL] Errors). |
[MODEL] Errors
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
property_name | String | Optional name of the attribute which the error message is related to. |
message | String | Human readable error message (provided only in English). |
code | String | Internal alphabet error code. |
General Numeric Error Codes
Code Range | Description |
1001 | Invalid data. |
1002 | Given JWT token is malformed and does not contain required attributes. |
1003 | Given media type is not supported. |
2001 | Invalid credentials. |
2002 | Authentication required. |
3001 | Entity not found. |
Sample Response Body - Success
"message": "OK",
"data": [
"card_id": 12345
"card_id": 127455
Sample Response Body – Error
"message": "Cardholder not found.”,
“data”: [],
“code”: 3001
“message”: “Invalid data.”,
“data”: [],
“code”: 1001,
“errors”: [
“property_name”: “access_key_id”,
“message”: “This value should not be blank.”,
“code”: “IS_BLANK_ERROR”
“property_name”: “secret_access_key”,
“message”: “This value should not be blank.”,
“code”: “IS_BLANK_ERROR”
Data Object Models
[MODEL] Cardholder
Attribute Name | Data Type | Validations | Description |
cardholder_id | Integer | - | Unique, primary cardholder’s identifier. |
external_id | String | Unique per card issuer | Cardholder’s identifier from the third-party’s system. |
institution_id | Integer | - | Internal identifier of the academic institution (client) in NCDB. |
academic_degree_before_name | String | Free | Cardholder’s pre-nominal academic degrees. |
first_name | String | Free | Cardholder’s first name. |
last_name | String | Free | Cardholder’s last name. |
academic_degree_after_name | String | Free | Cardholder’s post-nominal academic degrees. |
date_of_birth | Date | Not in future | Cardholder’s date of birth. |
birth_number | String | Valid national format | Cardholder’s birth number. |
gender | String | Enum | Cardholder’s gender. |
String | Unique per card issuer | Cardholder’s e-mail address. | |
phone_number | String | Regex [0-9, (, ), +, -] | Cardholder’s phone number. |
language | String | Enum | Preferred communication language, 2 letter language code. |
personal_id | String | Free | Free cardholder’s identifier (student ID, membership ID, personal ID). |
class_name | String | Free | Name of the school class. |
grade | Integer | Values 1-9 | Study grade. |
roles | Object | - | Nested object (see [MODEL] Role). |
student_status | String | Enum | If student, cardholder’s student status. |
addresses | Array | - | Nested array of objects (see [MODEL] Address). |
legal_representatives * | Array | - | Nested array of objects (see [MODEL] Legal Representative). |
custom_fields ** | Array | - | Nested array of objects (see [MODEL] Custom Field). |
*At least one Legal Representative’s data must be specified in case the cardholder is younger than an age required by local law (15 years in the Czech Republic).
** Custom fields may be set as mandatory or optional based on client’s agreement with the ISIC account manager. Ask your ISIC account manager for the list of mandatory custom fields applicable for your account.
[MODEL] Role
Roles which are not included in the request are considered as the client doesn't know such information.
NOTE: Crossed out values will be supported in the future API development phases.
Attribute Name | Data Type | Validations | Description |
graduate | Boolean | - | Successfully graduated person. |
student | Boolean | - | Active student with all student privileges granted by local law. |
[MODEL] Address
Attribute Name | Data Type | Validations | Description |
type | String | Enum | Address type. |
address_line_1 | String | Free | First address line, usually street and house number. |
address_line_2 | String | Free | Second address line. |
city | String | Free | City. |
district | String | Enum | State/Province/County. |
postal_code | String | Free | Postal (ZIP) code. |
country | String | Enum | ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code (3 letter). (ISO - ISO 3166 — Country Codes ) |
[MODEL] Custom Field
Custom fields are created and assigned to individual card issuers by ISIC ER users based on the mutual agreement. Their setup range related to this API is key, mandatory/optional, and min. and max. allowed length of the string.
Attribute Name | Data Type | Validations | Description |
name | String | Assigned field | Custom field’s name. |
value | String | Field settings | Custom field’s value. |
[MODEL] Card
Attribute Name | Data Type | Validations | Description |
card_id | Integer | - | Unique, primary card identifier. |
cardholder_id | Integer | - | Unique, primary cardholder’s identifier. |
number | String | Assigned card number ranges | Card number. |
type | String | Enum | Card type. |
form | String | Enum | Card form. |
status | String | Enum | Card status. |
valid_from | Date | Available card validity cycles | Card validity start. |
valid_to | Date | Available card validity cycles | Card validity end. |
valid_to_plastic | Date | Available card validity cycles | Plastic card validity end (may be the same or shorter than the main card validity end). |
design | String | Assigned card designs | Card design part number. |
design_plastic | String | Assigned card designs | Plastic card design part number. |
institution_id | Integer | NCDB’s institution database | ID of the institution where the cardholder studies/teaches/works as stored in NCDB’s institution database. |
institution_name_line_1 | String | Free | First line of the institution name where the cardholder studies/teaches/works as stated on a card. |
institution_name_line_2 | String | Free | Second line of the institution name where the cardholder studies/teaches/works as stated on a card. |
smart_technologies | Array | - | Nested array of objects (see [MODEL] Smart Technology). |
custom_fields | Array | - | Nested array of objects (see [MODEL] Custom Field). |
[MODEL] Custom Field
Custom fields are created and assigned to individual card issuers by ISIC ER users based on the mutual agreement. Their setup range related to this API is key, mandatory/optional, and min. and max. allowed length of the string.
Attribute Name | Data Type | Validations | Description |
name | String | Assigned to card issuer | Custom field name. |
value | String | Field setup | Custom field value. |
[ENUM] Gender
Value | Description |
FEMALE | Female. |
MALE | Male. |
OTHER | Other. |
[ENUM] Language
Preferred language for communication with a cardholder.
Value | Description |
cs | Czech. |
en | English. |
[ENUM] Student Status
Value | Description |
FULL_TIME | Full time student. |
PART_TIME | Part time student. |
[ENUM] District (State/Province/County)
Dependent on a country where the card issuer's profile is created. For the list of available values ask your ISIC account manager.
[ENUM] Country
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes (https://www.iso.org/iso-3166-country-codes.html).
[ENUM] Card Type
Value | Description |
ISIC | ISIC card (for full-time students). |
ISIC_SCHOLAR | ISIC SCHOLAR card (in the Czech Republic it is also known as ISIC Školák). |
ITIC | ITIC card (for teachers). |
IYTC | IYTC card (for youth people). |
ALIVE | ALIVE card (for members of sport associations and other companies, issued only in the Czech Republic). |
ALIVE_STUDENT | ALIVE Student card (for part-time students, issued only in the Czech Republic). |
ALIVE_STAFF | ALIVE Staff card (for non-teaching staff of schools, issued only in the Czech Republic). |
ALIVE_ALUMNI | ALIVE Alumni card (for university graduates, issued only in the Czech Republic). |
ALIVE_ID_ALUMNI | ALIVE ID Alumni card (for university graduates]. |
[ENUM] Form
Value | Description |
DIGITAL | Digital card. |
DIGITAL_PLASTIC | Digital and plastic card. |
[ENUM] Status
Value | Description |
ACTIVE | Active card (does not inform about card validity period!). |
CANCELLED | Cancelled card (e.g., damaged, lost, stolen). |
RETURNED | Returned card (its number will be used for new cardholder). |
The authentication service is accessible without any credentials. In the request body the client must sent unique pair of authentication credentials provided by his ISIC account manager.
POST /authentication.authenticate
Request Body Parameters
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Note |
access_key_id | String | Yes | Unique API access key identifier (username equivalent). |
secret_access_key | String | Yes | Unique API secret access key identifier (password equivalent). |
In the response the client may find an attribute expires_in informing about the token’s validity (in seconds).
• HTTP 200 – OK + Bearer Token
Sample Request Body
"access_key_id": "externalIssuers.api.test",
"secret_access_key": "LHKwwZ4f-FNW4qa"
Sample Response Body
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"token": "<Bearer Token>",
"expires_in": 300
POST /cardholders.set
Create or update cardholder. For update you must include cardholder_id parameter in the request body. Cardholder updates are not differential. Within every request the client must send all cardholder’s data. Data missing in the request will be considered as for removal and will be deleted with no way to recover.
NOTE: The University should update cardholder data at the moment the new data is available, so the cardholder is still up to date.
Request Body Parameters
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Note |
cardholder_id | Integer | depends -> | Applicable only in case of the cardholder’s update, then mandatory. Anonymized cardholders cannot be updated. |
external_id | String | No | |
academic_degree_before_name | String | No | |
first_name | String | Yes | |
last_name | String | Yes | |
academic_degree_after_name | String | No | |
date_of_birth | Date | Yes | Date cannot be in future. Format “yyyy-MM-dd”. |
birth_number | String | No | |
gender | String | No | |
String | Yes | Valid e-mail address format. E-mail must be unique per all cardholders within the card issuer. All cards of a single person should be linked to the same cardholder identified by the cardholder_id. | |
phone_number | String | No | |
language | String | No | |
personal_id | String | No | |
roles | Object | Yes | |
graduate | Boolean | Yes | |
student | Boolean | Yes | |
student_status | String | Yes | |
addresses | Array | No | Addresses are not mandatory but if sent, it must contain all its parameters marked below as mandatory. |
type | String | Yes | |
address_line_1 | String | Yes | |
address_line_2 | String | No | |
city | String | Yes | |
district | String | No | |
postal_code | String | Yes | |
country | String | Yes | |
custom_fields | Array | depends -> | Custom fields may be mandatory or optional based on client’s agreement with the ISIC account manager. Ask your ISIC account manager for the list of mandatory custom fields applicable for your account. If mandatory, it must contain all its parameters marked below as mandatory. |
name | String | Yes | |
value | String | Yes |
• HTTP 200 – OK + [MODEL] Cardholder
Sample Request Body
"external_id": "ST44211",
"academic_degree_before_name": "Mgr.",
"first_name": "Petr",
"last_name": "Janík",
"academic_degree_after_name": "CSc.",
"date_of_birth": "1994-04-15",
"birth_number": "940415/0123",
"gender": "MALE",
"email": "petr.janik@test.cz",
"phone_number": "+420123456789",
"language": "en",
"personal_id": "4844V2",
"roles": {
"student": true,
"graduate": false
"student_status": "FULL_TIME",
"addresses": [
"type": "REGISTERED",
"address_line_1": "Husova 1204/2a",
"address_line_2": "V Tower, 2. patro",
"city": "Praha 6",
"district": "Hlavní město Praha",
"postal_code": "16000",
"country": "CZE"
"custom_fields": [
"name": "membership_code",
"value": "7110EQ4"
Sample Response Body
"message": "OK",
"data": [
"cardholder_id": 1694452,
"external_id": "ST44211",
"institution_id": 29707,
"academic_degree_before_name": "Mgr.",
"first_name": "Petr",
"last_name": "Janík",
"academic_degree_after_name": "CSc.",
"date_of_birth": "1994-04-15",
"birth_number": "940415/0123",
"gender": "MALE",
"email": "petr.janik@test.cz",
"phone_number": "+420123456789",
"language": "en",
"personal_id": "4844V2",
"roles": {
"student": true,
"graduate": false
"student_status": "FULL_TIME",
"addresses": [
"type": "REGISTERED",
"address_line_1": "Husova 1204/2a",
"address_line_2": "V Tower, 2. patro",
"city": "Praha 6",
"district": "Hlavní město Praha",
"postal_code": "16000",
"country": "CZE"
"custom_fields": [
"name": "membership_code",
"value": "7110EQ4"
POST /cardholders.setPhoto
Upload cardholder’s photo. When a photo is already present the next request will overwrite it. The previous photo will not be available to recover.
Based on the contract the photo is mandatory.
• JPG, JPEG or PNG file with RGB color space. PNG images with transparent background are transferred to an image with white background.
• Minimal image resolution is limited to 450 x 540 pixels (recommended at 300 DPI).
• Maximal image file size is limited to 3 MB.
• For best photo quality displayed/printed on a card the recommended image aspect ratio is 5:6.
• Photo should be in color containing a whole head of the cardholder. No sunglasses, no head covers.
• Photo background should be neutral (one color or soft color gradient).
Request Body
Request must be sent as multipart/form-data encoding type.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Note |
cardholder_id | Integer | Yes | |
photo | File | Yes | Address of the photo file in the client’s folder structure. |
• HTTP 200 – OK
Sample Response Body
"message": "OK",
"data": []
POST /cardholders.anonymize
Request anonymization of the cardholder identified by cardholder_id sent in the request body. The API will accept or reject the request. In case of the acceptance the cardholder’s data (including data of his/her cards) will be anonymized within next 48 hours.
• Cardholder does not own any valid card (see valid_to property on the [MODEL] Card).
• Cardholder has not been anonymized yet.
Sample Request Body
"cardholder_id": 123
Sample Response Body
"message": "OK",
"data": []
GET /cardholders.list
Get data of cardholders filtered based on specified query parameters. Returned data are sorted by date of last modification in descending order (last modified record first).
Query Parameters
All query parameters of string data type are case-insensitive.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
external_id | String | No | Cardholder’s external identifier. |
first_name | String | No | Cardholder’s first name. |
last_name | String | No | Cardholder’s last name. |
date_of_birth | Date | No | Cardholder’s date of birth. |
String | No | Cardholder’s e-mail address. | |
phone_number | String | No | Cardholder’s phone number. |
modified_from | Datetime | No | Return records created or modified after specified date and time (for option of incremental updates on the API client’s side). |
offset | Integer | No | Result paging offset (zero based index of the first returned item). |
limit | Integer | Yes | Result page size (how many items to return). |
• HTTP 200 – OK + collection of [MODEL] Cardholder
GET /cardholders.get
Get data of the cardholder specified in the query parameter.
Query Parameters
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
cardholder_id | Integer | Yes | Unique cardholder’s identifier. |
• HTTP 200 – OK + [MODEL] Cardholder
GET /cardholders.getPhoto
Get photo of the cardholder specified in the query parameter.
Query Parameters
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
cardholder_id | Integer | Yes | Unique cardholder’s identifier. |
• HTTP 200 – OK + cardholder’s photo as direct PNG or JPG image file data (octet-stream) with appropriate content-type header (image/png or image/jpg).
POST /cards.selfRequest
Using this endpoint, the University defines that specific card should be ordered for student with defined cardholder_id.
Request Body Parameters
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Note |
cardholder_id | Integer | Yes | Unique identifier of the cardholder to whom the card should be issued. |
type | String | Yes | Allowed values are based on client’s agreement with the ISIC account manager. Ask your ISIC account manager for the list of card types allowed for your account. See [ENUM] Card Type for the list of available values. |
form | String | Yes | DIGITAL |
valid_from | Date | Yes | Date must comply with card validity cycles available for selected card type at the time when the card is reported. Format “yyyy-MM-dd”. |
valid_to | Date | Yes | Date must comply with card validity cycles available for selected card type at the time when the card is reported. Format “yyyy-MM-dd”. |
custom_fields | Array | depends -> | Custom fields may be mandatory or optional based on client’s agreement with the ISIC account manager. Ask your ISIC account manager for the list of mandatory custom fields applicable for your account. If mandatory, it must contain all its parameters marked below as mandatory. |
name | String | Yes | |
value | String | Yes |
Sample Request Body
"cardholder_id": 445562,
"type": "ISIC",
"form": "DIGITAL",
"valid_from": "2022-09-01",
"valid_to": "2023-12-31"
Sample Response Body
"message": "OK",
"data": [
"request_id": 148,
"request_link": https://abc.xyz/ed2c6071-1f82-4adc-9046-80e2f0d1b8bf,
"cardholder_id": 445562,
"type": "ISIC",
"form": "DIGITAL",
"valid_from": "2022-09-01",
"valid_to": "2023-12-31",
"custom_fields": []
Within the API response, the data is returned as well as a unique link for the website, to which the student should be redirected. On this site, he/she can check (and complete, if needed) the personal data and the request for card, and then is redirected to payment gate. After successful payment, the student is redirected to thank you page.
POST /cards.selfChangeValidityRequest
Using this endpoint, the university asks for validity extension for a card with defined card_id. End of new validity needs to be sent through the request.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Note |
card_id | Integer | Yes | Unique identifier of the card for which the validity should be changed. |
valid_to | Date | Yes | New end of validity of the card. Date must comply with card validity cycles available for selected card type at the time when the card is reported. Format “yyyy-MM-dd”. |
Sample Request Body
"card_id": 2736541,
"valid_to": "2024-12-31"
Sample Response Body
"message": "OK",
"data": [
"request_id": 264,
"request_link": https://abc.xyz/945367dc-396e-4194-82a8-350d751bc7a2,
"card_id": 2736541,
"valid_to": "2024-12-31"
As in case of new card issuance, also in this case, the student should be redirected to URL returned by the API, where the payment for validity extension needs to be made. Afer successful payment, the student is redirected to Thank you page.
POST /cards.changeStatus
Endpoint for the case when status of existing card needs to be changed (for example the university needs to cancel a card).
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Note |
card_id | Integer | Yes | Unique identifier of the card which validity should be changed. |
status | String | Yes | See [ENUM] Status for the list of available values. Status of returned cards cannot be changed. |
Sample Request Body
"card_id": 2736541,
"status": "CANCELLED"
Sample Response Body
Within the response, data about the card and its new status is returned.
"message": "OK",
"data": [
"card_id": 2736541,
"cardholder_id": 445562,
"number": "S420123456789A",
"type": "ISIC",
"form": "DIGITAL",
"status": "CANCELLED",
"valid_from": "2022-09-01",
"valid_to": "2024-12-31",
"design": "SA-420-317",
"smart_technologies": [],
"institution_id": 56463,
"institution_name_line_1": "Západočeská univerzita",
"institution_name_line_2": "v Plzni",
"custom_fields": []
GET /cards.list
Get data of cards filtered based on specified query parameters. Returned data are sorted by date of last modification in descending order (last modified record first).
Query Parameters
All query parameters of string data type are case-insensitive.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
cardholder_id | Integer | No | Unique cardholder’s identifier. |
number | String | No | Card number. |
status | String | No | Card status (see [ENUM] Status). |
type | String | No | Card type (see [ENUM] Card Type). |
modified_from | Datetime | No | Return records created or modified after specified date and time (for option of incremental updates on the API client’s side). |
offset | Integer | No | Result paging offset (zero based index of the first returned item). |
limit | Integer | Yes | Result page size (how many items to return). |
• HTTP 200 – OK + collection of [MODEL] Card
GET /cards.get
Get data of the card specified in the query parameter.
Query Parameters
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
card_id | Integer | Yes | Unique card identifier. |
• HTTP 200 – OK + [MODEL] Card
How to order a new ISIC, ITIC or ALIVE card
The standard process of ISIC/ITIC/ALIVE card issuance is the following (the process can slightly differ for individual universities and it of course strongly depends on how the internal school information system is designed and conneted to the API):
0/ Univeristy wants to order new ISIC/ITIC/ALIVE card for its student/teacher/staff.
1/ University checks in its internal information system whether the student already has ISIC/ITIC/ALIVE card or whether he had a card in the past. In case the stuednt is not found, the university creates a cardholder using POST /cardholders.set and saves cardholder_id for further usage. Each future action with this cardholder should be called using corresponding cardholder_id. Also, if any personal data regarding this cardholder is updated within school information system during the term, corresponding cardholder should be updated through POST /cardholders.set endpoint.
2/ University uploads photo for a cardholder (optional) using POST /cardholders.setPhoto. This step is not mandatory, the card can be issued also without any photo. In such case, the student needs to proactively upload the photo through mobile ALIVE App to be able to use the digital card.
3/ University sends API request for new card issuance using POST /cards.selfRequest. Within the request, it is specified for which cardholder the action is requested. In case the student is entitled to have more card types, it must be decided which card type is the one to be ordered. The API returns link for order completion and payment. This link should be displayed/emailed to the student to complete the card order and pay for it.
4/ When the order is completed and paid, the student receives email with his card number and additional information how to display this card within ALIVE App mobile application. Using it, he can activate digital card within mobile ALIVE App.
Important: Once a cardholder is created, the university should immediately save its cardholder_id which is returned through the API. Any further operation with the same cardholder should be done using this cardholder_id.
How to change validity of existing card
0/ In summer months, the university can offer to its students/teachers/staff the possibility of validity extension. The validity extension should be offered only to those who have valid or expired card.
1/ In case the student asks for the card to be revalidated, the university should call POST /cards.selfChangeValidityRequest. The API returns link for order completion and payment. This link should be displayed/emailed to the student to complete the order for validity extension and to pay for it.
2/ When the order is completed and paid, the validity of digital card is changed automatically.
Basic flow of the process is described in the below diagram:
Environments and Credentials
Test Environment
The following details are necessary for web service integration testing. Please ask your ISIC account manager for authentication details and card issuer’s setup based on your contract specification.
Documentation in Postman: will be specified after its completion
Base URL: https://api.test.aliveplatform.com/v1
Access Key ID: ask your ISIC account manager
Secret Access Key: ask your ISIC account manager
Card Issuer Type: INSTITUTION
Production Environment
Access details to the production environment will be provided after full implementation and successful tests against the test environment.
Base URL: https://api.aliveplatform.com/v1
Access Key ID: ask your ISIC account manager
Secret Access Key: ask your ISIC account manager
Card Issuer Type: INSTITUTION
Technical Support
For all support queries please contact the ALIVE Platform support team at support@aliveplatform.com.