API integration checklist

API integration checklist

This should serve as a guide for you if you are planning to integrate any API with the partner, what are the point to discuss with partner, what should be set up on the test environment and what in the production.

Pre-implementation information basis

Decide which API would you like to integrate
  • Here is list of API: API integration manuals

  • If you are not sure which API to use, please get in touch with us via Service Desk

Download the appropriate API integration manuals and share it with IT department of the partner
What type of cards will be issued?
Who will be printing the cards? (in case of plastic one)
What is the validity of the card?
  • it has to be set up in the API

  • it needs to reflect validity setup in the NCDB for whole market

Extension card process
current card_id is extended for next period of time
new card is issued and assigned to existing cardholder
Will there be any custom fields on the card?
What app will be used to display digital cards?
ISIC Global App
Alive App
Partners App
Which API will be used to display cards? (in case of partner own application)

Formal Passport Photograph
Photo is not needed in case:

  • Card is issued through API for external issuers

  • Card is displayed in the international ISIC App (photo can be added later through the ISIC App, but we never get this photo in NCDB)

Photo is required in case:

  • Card is issued through API for external issuers

  • Card is displayed in Partner App through GTS API for card display (only card issued through NCDB and for one issuer can be displayed in the Partners App)

What welcome E-mail will be sent to user?
Partner own email

Checklist before requesting test environment API access

Please go through this checklist and once all boxes are ticked, please contact the IT Service desk and request the test environment access

NCDB test account created
NCDB test account setting completed
Mode for API for External Issuers is set up
Mode Report
Mode Request
Designs are set up
Serial range are set up

Other Points

Make sure partner is aware to save some data in their database

Testing Scenarios

  • In case you are implementing different API, please get in touch with us for testing scenarios

  • These are main testing scenarios, each partner might need as well specify some scenarios to match his needs

API for External Issuers

  1. Create a new user

POST /cardholders.set
  1. Upload picture to new user, if using

POST /cardholders.setPhoto
  1. Create a ISIC card with months validity your market is using

    1. report mode

POST /cards.report

b. request mode

POST /cards.request

It is important to follow this sequence:

  1. Create user

  2. upload picture

  3. create card

If you upload picture after creating the card, the picture will not upload to the card retrospectively.

  1. Extend the card - based on the chosen option

    1. If the card validity is extended

POST /cards.changeValidity

User has to be always updated first

POST /cardholders.set incl. cardholder_id before the card is extended

Reason: that the card is issued with correct data, in case there has been an update in between

b. If a new card is issued

use always cardholder_id, that we match the newly issued card to the same cardholder

  1. Cancel card and its reactivation

POST /cards.changeStatus

Digital cards API

  1. Check if card is displayed correctly

  2. Check with ISO if all criteria are met - such as watermark - see documentation for full list of details

  3. Check all corner cases - such as if the picture od virtual card is not generated yet.

Checklist before requesting production API access

Please go through this checklist and once all boxes are ticked, please contact the IT Service desk and request the production access together with the testing outcome

NCDB details in production based on the test environment set up
Testing scenarios shared with partner
Testing occurred on the partner side
Request screenshots / recording from the testing



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