Marketing Manager
In this course, you will learn how to work with Marketing Manager module.
At the end of this course, you’ll know the basics of Marketing Manager and you will know where to find more specific information.
- 1 Introduction and Key functionalities of the system
- 2 Customer Management
- 3 E-mail Marketing
- 4 Automated Campaigns
- 5 Website Tracking
- 6 Landing Pages
- 7 WebForms
- 12 Date range filter
- 13 Widgets
- 15 Dashboard export
- 16 Dashboard import
- 17 Widget cache
- 18 Where to read more
Introduction and Key functionalities of the system
Welcome in the course on how to work with Marketing Manager. In this course, you will learn how to create marketing campaigns, landing pages, send e-mails, work with contacts and many other important tasks. The Marketing Manager is a new GDPR-ready module for the ALIVE Platform that enables ISIC offices around the world to build high-quality customer database, automate their marketing and push their B2C communication to a whole new level with personalized messages across different communication channels. The new tool should also be used for the issuance of the virtual ISIC ID and the onboarding of new customers.
Customer Management
The Marketing Manager can manage all contacts in one place and work with them during the whole customer lifecycle. It can gather personal details and activities from different sources and join them together based on the card serial number, name with the date of birth or cookies. Based on this, it is possible to work with data like who issued the card, what is the name of the school, gender of the customer, card number and its validity or for example visited pages of the website. This rich data allows the national issuer to tag customers and organize them into customized segments and categories. Using collected demographic and behavioural data it’s possible to build tailored campaigns with personalized messages to drive interest and engagement with the audience.
E-mail Marketing
The Marketing Manager has a reliable, modern e-mail marketing engine. From easily creating branded templates to audience segmentation, to automated touches with dynamic content, to mobile responsiveness, the Marketing Manager does check all the boxes and more. It is possible to create e-mails from scratch with an intuitive email editor, or design your own templates and start sending professional, mobile-ready communications within minutes. The visualized campaign builder allows users to create multi-touch automated emails by segment, or send ad-hoc email blasts when you have relevant information to share with large groups. It is possible to improve e-mail performance by incorporating A/B testing and real-time reports on key metrics to understand which tactics perform better, then adjust to improve conversion rates.
Automated Campaigns
The Marketing Manager does take automation to the next level by not only allowing users to automate e-mails, but to also including other communications channels – like web, mobile, social, and SMS – into their communication strategy. The visualized campaign builder allows users to quickly and easily create automated multi-channel communications with relevant content by segment, optimized in format the audience prefers. It is possible to automatically guide your audience through each of the stages of the buying process by easily triggering communications based on a wide range of contact information and activities.
The system is for example able to automatically send personalized message before card expiration.
Website Tracking
By embedding the Marketing Manager tracking code into the website, it is possible to capture visitor activity and view details at a contact level to see which pages visitors are reading both before and after they become known contacts. This also enables creation of targeted multi-channel campaigns and dynamic content triggered by page visits and behaviour to give audience more of what they want, through the channel they prefer. By using dynamic content, it is also possible to take advantage of remarketing campaigns with personalized content.
Landing Pages
Understanding which campaigns are working and which ones need improvement, all starts with making sure each piece of data is trackable.
Landing pages are one of the fundamental building blocks that are used over and over again. The Marketing Manager makes that process fast and easy and allows you to build mobile-friendly landing pages for each of your offers, programs and campaigns with full tracking capability that allows you to measure and drive conversion. It is possible to include short or long forms, with or without progressive profiling, into your pages to invite your audience to start a conversation with you by sharing their information.
Every modern website invites visitors to share their contact information with web forms. The Marketing Manager makes it easier than ever to embed forms directly into your existing website, or on customized landing pages. You can even take advantage of advanced features like pre-population, progressive profiling, and hidden fields to optimize for conversion while still capturing the information you need.
The first and most widely recognized example of marketing automation is in the sales and marketing industry. This was the original intended use for a tool such as marketing automation and as such most major organizations are familiar with the concept of marketing automation as it relates to their sales cycle. Below is an example of a typical use case within a sales-based field.
When working in a sales environment the common terms used are as follows:
Assets – Typically these are white papers, other informational materials, sample product downloads and other resources.
Campaigns – A set of email and social media activities related to a specific purpose sent on a timeframe or as a result of contact responses.
Decision Tree – A process implemented within a campaign which determines the next step based on a contact’s response or decision.
Dripflow – A campaign style which sends predefined messages on a specific timeframe typically over a prolonged period of time.
Emails – These are specific points of contact with contacts. Emails are sent to segments as part of campaigns.
Forms – A form placed online to collect additional contact information. Forms are frequently used in conjunction with pages.
Contacts – Potential customers
Segments – A group of associated contacts based on specific, defined criteria
Pages – Landing pages designed to funnel contacts to a specific call to action.
Points – These are the numeric values assigned to any number of activities by which the contact is scored to determine interest levels.
Reports – Reports are overviews and data aggregations of contacts, pages, assets, and other parts of the marketing automation tool to assist in improving efficiency.
Once the terminology has been defined the next important step is creating an ideal workflow. Workflows are perhaps the most unique portion of any use case and as such, even among sales organizations, these will have vastly different implementations. Below is a somewhat standard sales workflow.
1. Define Contact Fields The first step to take in a successful workflow is to correctly identify the fields and information you wish to collect on your contacts. Marketing Manager allows you to create as many unique fields as you need to correctly organize and manage your potential customers.
2. Create Segments The next step involves creating the segments. As mentioned above these segments are groupings of contacts based on specific characteristics. The purpose of creating these segments is to allow Marketing Manager to automatically add contacts to these segments when certain actions are taken. Contacts can be manually added to segments as well when necessary.
3. Add Assets Adding assets to your Marketing Manager platform will allow you to use those assets as part of forms, pages, and campaigns. These assets can be anything you choose, as mentioned above typically they are PDFs, Slideshows, and other informational materials.
4. Create Form Once you’ve added an asset you can now use that asset as the result of form submission. Creating a form is the critical stage of your marketing automation platform. Forms allow you to convert visitors into named, potential customers.
5. Setup Landing Pages Creating a landing page allows you to setup a specific sales funnel you want the contact to follow. Most often landing pages are created with a single call to action. These call to actions usually consist of a form submission where the contact provides more information in exchange for something. Landing pages can be themed to specific layouts or be uniquely created during the setup process.
6. Create Emails Defining emails is another important part of the process. This is a direct method of interaction with the contacts. Emails can be created and included as part of the campaign process. Remember that emails are sent to segments and can be setup to be sent automatically throughout the life of a campaign.
7. Create a Campaign Campaigns are where you bring all the many items you’ve created together in a marketing effort. Typically campaigns are formed around a particular goal set such as a product launch, new customer outreach or other contact interaction. Campaigns implement decision trees which continue to nurture the contact based on their interactions and responses to emails and other points of contact.
8. Define Point Triggers and Actions Points are what determines when a contact has fully matured and is considered a qualified contact to be automatically entered into the CRM in one scenario. You define these point triggers to be fired at specific values and result in the associated action to be performed. Simply put points automatically accumulate and serve to indicate which contacts have been nurtured through the sales cycle. One such action can be the automatic transition of the contact to the CRM system as mentioned.
Marketing Manager brings you customizable dashboard where each user can compose widgets with information she/he wants to track.
Date range filter
All the widgets will display data in the selected global date range filter at the top of the widget list. The default date range is set from 30 days ago to today. Line charts will change the time unit automatically depending on the day count selected in the date range filter like this: Date range is equal to 1 day: Hours Date range is between 1 and 31 days: Days Date range is between 32 and 100 days: Weeks Date range is between 101 and 1000 days: Months Date range is greater than 1001 days: Years The only widget exceptions which display the same information independent on the date range are upcoming emails and Recent activity.
Warning: Do not create too many widgets. It can slow the dashboard page load down. If you have performance issues, decrease the amount of widgets.
A new widget can be added to your dashboard when you click on the “Add widget” button. The “Add widget” form which appears after each widget will let you define:
Name: Describe what the widget displays. If not filled, Marketing Manager will call it the same as the widget type you select.
Type: Select what information you want to display from the predefined widget types.
Width: Select how wide the widget should be. The options are 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. Default option is 100%. The optimal width for line charts is 100%, for tables 50%, for pie charts 25%.
Height: Each widget can have different height. 5 heights are predefined. The dashboard will look best if you select a constant height for each widget in one row.
Some widgets have additional options:
Created contacts in time
Show all contacts: Displays one line with all created contacts.
Only identified: Displays one line with only created identified contacts.
Only anonymous: Displays one line with only created visitors.
All identified vs anonymous: displays 2 lines with created identified and visitors.
Top segments: Displays up to 6 lines with contacts added to the top 6 segments. If no such segment exists for the selected date range, the chart will not be displayed.
Top segments with Identified vs Anonymous: Displays up to 6 lines of the top 3 segments for the selected date range. Each segment will show 2 lines with identified and visitors.
Emails in time
Only sent emails: Displays 1 line with sent emails.
Only opened emails: Displays 1 line with opened emails.
Only failed emails: Displays 1 line with failed emails.
Sent and opened emails: Displays 2 lines with sent and opened emails.
Sent, opened and failed emails: Displays 3 lines with sent, opened and failed emails.
Page visits in time
Total visits – Displays 1 line with all visits (page hits).
Unique visits – Displays 1 line with unique visits (contacts).
Total and unique visits – Displays 2 lines with unique and all visits.
Each widget can change its location by drag&dropping. The handle is its name.
Dashboard export
Each dashboard as you configure it can be exported to a single file. You can make a backup for another time, send it to a colleague or share it online. It exports only the widget configuration. Not the data in them.
Dashboard import
If you export a dashboard, you can then upload it and import it again on the Dashboard Import page. The default installation comes with 3 pre-defined dashboards. The one is called default.jsonis imported automatically, when your dashboard doesn’t contain any widget. The other 2 predefined dashboards are there as an example. You can export and import any other dashboard and then switch between them. Pre-defined dashboards can be:
Previewed – It will display the dashboard widgets for preview. It will load in the actual Marketing Manager data. Nothing is saved or changed by the Apply button.
Applied – It applies the dashboard as your dashboard. Warning: Your current widgets will be deleted by this action! Export the current dashboard if you want to get back to it later.
Deleted – It will delete the predefined dashboard.
Widget cache
Marketing Manager automatically caches the widget detail data for a period of time defined in the configuration.
Default cache expiration period is 10 minutes.
Where to read more
The core of Marketing Manager is based on system Mautic (“Marketing Automation”). The majority of functions which Marketing Manager offers are the functions integrated from Mautic and information about them can be found in the official and up to date Mautic documentation.
Functions that were added to Marketing Manager to reflect the needs of ISIC/ITIC/IYTC card business are described in following courses: