How to understand different order statuses

How to understand different order statuses


In this course, you will learn how they work and what the order states mean. Order status differs in NCDB and Online Ordering. Order statuses are linked to the path they were ordered.

The sending of emails from the Online Ordering and Marketing Manager, which must be set separately, has a connection to the status of orders.

As prerequisities to this course, please take a look at our course about “Online Ordering” and “Marketing Manager



Order only a virtual card via Online Ordering


We will first look at the statuses in the Online Ordering. If the customer creates an order, we can see the order in the Ordered state before payment. At the same time, the customer sends an email about creating an order. (if is active) Subsequent 7 and 14 days after creating the order, an email will come again requesting payment of the order.

The moment the customer makes an online payment, the order status changes to Paid . The customer will receive an email confirming payment of the order from the Online Ordering. In the administration, it is possible to edit the order in this state.

At this point, we can mark the order as incomplete and contact the customer with additional information or approve the order, after which the status of the order will change to Approved . The order in this state can no longer be edited, only cancelled.

We export the approved order to NCDB, which changes its status to Exported.


Note: If the export is unsuccessful (eg due to duplication of orders, diacritics in the email address or other reason) an error 500 will appear during the export - you will see the order in the NCDB in Draft status (in this case contact support@gtsalive.com)


Order statuses in NCBD


We describe use case when tenant does not have self-service enabled. You can find this option in the card issuer's settings.

After a successful export from Online Ordering to NCDB, you will see the order (one order with all customers who were in one export) in the Ordered state, preceded by the Draft state, which is automatic.

We will now process the order at NCDB (in the case of the publisher of Online Ordering, invoicing is automatically overdrawn)

The order skips the states IN PRODUCTION , Processed , INVOICED , ON THE WAY . Occur final state DELIVERED at this moment the export to the CCDB will take happen automatically, the transfer of information to the Marketing Manager from where the email, with the virtual card number. (it is sent after about 30-60 minutes)

In the Online Ordering, the status will change (approx. 15 minutes) to Send and the card number will be written down.

It is not ascertainable from the Online Ordering if the email from the Marketing Manager with the customer ID number has been sent (this information can be ascertained directly from the Marketing Manager)



Note: If only one plastic card is needed in the virtual card order, the order will be in the IN PRODUCTION state until the plastic card is printed and processed.


The virtual card also with a plastic variant for personal collection or sending by post to the address


We will first look at the statuses in the Online Ordering. If the customer creates an order, we can see the order in the Ordered state before payment. At the same time, the customer receives an email about creating an order. (if is active) Following 7 and 14 days after creating the order, an email will come again requesting payment of the order.

The moment the customer makes an online payment, the order status changes to Paid . The customer will receive an email confirming payment of the order from the Online Ordering. In the administration, it is possible to edit the order in this state.

At this point, we can mark the order as incomplete and contact the customer with additional information or approve the order, after which the status of the order will change to Approved . The order in this state can no longer be edited, only cancelled.

We export the approved order to NCDB, which changes its status to Exported.


Order statuses in NCBD

After a successful export from Online Ordering to NCDB, you will see the order (one order with all customers who were in one export) in the In production state, preceded by the Draft state, which is automatic.

At this point, the cards already have their license numbers assigned and the data is exported to Marketing Manager. So far, only the plastic version of the card has been issued, it is exported to the CCDB and at the same time the customer receives an email from the Marketing Manager with information about his virtual card. The plastic card is waiting to be printed and processed.

The personalization centre logs in under its user print the plastic IDs and process them as completed. This automatically changes the order status to Delivered ( invoiced and on the way statuses are automatically skipped)

Let's go back to Online Ordering for a moment.

At the moment when the personalization centre prints and processes the card, an email is sent on behalf of the customer, with information about the method of delivery of the card.


Note: This email must be active - this is a template ORDER SENT TO CUSTOMER in this email is not information about the card number only about the method of delivery. eg delivery to school or address. Information about the card number is sent in a separate email from the Marketing Manager.


In Online ordering, after printing and processing, the status automatically switches from Exported to IN PROGRESS . This means that the NCDB reported to the Online Ordering the number of the plastic card, which was written down in the order detail. At this point, information about the plastic card is also sent to the CCDB.

Delivery by post:

  • The card in the Online Ordering is waiting to be sent. We go to the Order Expedition - Post tab. We will physically send the card and confirm the sending with the Confirm expedition button. The status of the order will automatically switch to SHIPPING READY . At this point, the customer will receive an email from the Online Ordering - Order send to the customer template (if active). This email contains information about sending a letter with a plastic ID. After that, the status changes to Sent .


  • Personal pickup:
    The order is in the IN PROGRESS state. We go to the Personal pick up tab and confirm with the Confirm expedition button. The order status automatically changes to PICK UP READY . At this moment, the automatic email leaves the Order ready for pick up template with information on where and when it is possible to pick up the card. Following the physical handover of the customer's card, we will confirm the collection in the order detail with the Mark as picked up button. The order status automatically changes to ISSUED .


Form for issuer with integration in Online Ordering


This case describes a situation where the publisher has set the method of delivery to the school and has taken this fact into account in the price list.


We will first look at the statuses in the Online Ordering. If the customer creates an order, we can see the order in the Ordered state before payment. At the same time, the customer receives an email about creating an order. (if is active) Following 7 and 14 days after creating the order, an email will come again requesting payment of the order.

The moment the customer makes an online payment, the order status changes to Paid . The customer will receive an email confirming payment of the order from the Online Ordering. In the administration, it is possible to edit the order in this state.

At this point, we can mark the order as incomplete and contact the customer with additional information or approve the order, after which the status of the order will change to Approved . The order in this state can no longer be edited, only cancelled.

We export the approved order to NCDB, which changes its status to Exported.

  • Orders that are waiting in the Online Ordering for confirmation of the claim are displayed in red.

  • When exporting orders from a Card Issuer with integration in Online Ordering, the order is displayed in the NCBD not under the issuer Online Ordering but under the name of the issuer.


Order statuses in NCBD

In NCBD we will see the order in the Ordered state. By default, we process the order and the status changes to IN PRODUCTION .

The personalization centre then processes the order and the status changes to PROCESSED (automatically skips INVOICED status if set). The Personalization Center then marks the order - Send Publisher which means the order is on its way to school. After receiving the order, the school marks the order as accepted in the order detail Confirm acceptance of order.
The order status automatically changes to DELIVERED .
If we look in the Online Ordering we will see the order status of the Pick up ready . After the physical handover of the card, we will confirm the receipt in the order via the Mark as pick up button.

If this publisher issues virtual IDs in this way, it must still follow the workflow and move the status to ON THE WAY and DELIVERED . It is still true that the email with the information with the card number leaves the Marketing Manager.



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