How to manage discount providers

How to manage discount providers


In this course you will learn how to manage benefit providers, their discounts and branches in Discount Manager.


In this lesson, we’ll have a look at how to manage discounts. To view available discounts, go to “Discount Providers” section and click on the blue info icon in the “Actions” button on the right side.

This will show you full details of the provider. You will need to go to the lower part of the page that aggregates information about discounts, branches, comments etc. You can easily view, edit or delete any discount of this provider by clicking on the appropriate icon in the Actions column.

To add a new discount, click on the “Add Discount” button at the top of the page. The page contains several sections:

  • Basic Information

    • Type and value – select the type of discount (percentage, absolute, 2+1…) and enter its value.

    • Name – the short text describing the discount. It will be automatically prefilled based on the type of discount and it’s value but you usually have to edit it to be more concrete.

      • Examples: “20% Off Grander Sandwich”, “Buy One Pizza, Get One Free”, “20 EUR Off MacBook” or just “Free Delivery”.

    • Description – optional additional information about the discounted service or product.

      • Example: “Grander is a sandwich for real cowboys. A big sesame Kaiser bun with fresh, hand-breaded chicken in the original coating, crunchy bacon, Cheddar cheese, tasty red onion and spicy BBQ sauce.”

    • Form of cooperation – you can select whether the partner provides a unique ISIC discount or just accept ISIC as a confirmation of study.

    • Available Online – check-in case the discount could be used online (for example on e-shops). Add a link to the website (ideally directly into the student section if available)

    • Card Types – select which type of cards the discount is available. In case you for example have a different discount between ISIC and ITIC cards, it’s necessary to create two separate discounts.

    • Valid From / Valid To – determines validity of the discount. In case the contract is signed for indefinite period, keep the Valid To field empty.

    • Public Transport – check if this a public transport discount

  • Category – select one or more categories appropriate to this discount

  • Branches – select which branches are offering this discount. In case it’s available everywhere, tick the “Available at All Branches” checkbox.

  • Restrictions – here you can define different restrictions for the discount, this is especially useful for online verifications.

  • User Accounts – when you use accounts for the online verification, you can assign them specific discounts which are available under that account.

  • Photos and Videos – attach photos and videos relevant to this discount. This is useful when you have several discounts so each could have a different image in the ISIC Mobile app.

The validity of the discount will be automatically checked in regard to the validity of the provider's contract. In practice, this means that the start date of the discount must not be earlier than the start date of the contract. Similarly, the end date of the discount must not be later than the end date of the contract.
If the validity date of the contract is changed to an earlier date than the end of the validity of the provider's discounts, such a change will not be allowed unless the validity of the discounts has also been adjusted. This change should help to improve clarity in active and inactive discounts and providers.

Our Picks In detail of a Discount, you can find a drop-down menu which is called “Our Picks”. Using Our Picks, to up to 30 Discounts in your market (across all Discount Providers), you can assign values from 1 to 30. When saved, these values will be exported into ISO Benefit Manager and it will be visible in the detail of the discount. By this, you can make a kind of ranking of your Discounts. If specified, the benefit will be prioritised in the search results. The lower the number, the more prominently it will appear in the cardholder benefit search results online. Each number can be assigned only to one Discount.

  Once you enter all fields, you can click on “Save” button. Repeat these steps for every discount offered by the provider. Before continuing to the next lesson please try to create a new discount provider in the test environment.


In this lesson, we’ll have a look at how to manage branches. To view available branches, go to “Discount Providers” section and click on the blue info icon in the “Actions” button on the right side.

This will show you the full details of the provider. You will need to go to the lower part of the page that aggregates information about discounts, branches, comments etc. and switch to the “Branches” tab. From there you can easily view, edit or delete any branch of this provider by clicking on the appropriate icon in the Actions column.

To add a new branch, click on the “Add Branch” button at the top of the page.

You will need to enter the address of the branch into the box “Basic Information”. The “Name” is used to name the branch, it could be for example the name of the provider combined with the city, shopping center etc. Once you enter the address click on the button “Determine from Address” in the Location box, this will calculate GPS coordinated from the address. In case the application was not able to determine GPS coordinates from the address, you can try to fix the address and click on the button again or enter the latitude and longitude manually. You can also move the pin directly on the map. The map shows you surrounding discounts so when you find out you already have another discount on this location (this happens mainly in shopping centers), we recommend moving the pin a little bit within the building to make sure branches are not overlapping.  You can also assign discounts and user accounts to the branch. Once you enter all fields, you can click on “Save” button.

If you click on the question mark icon, you will be able to download a sample XLSX file for the import. The file will have following columns:

  • Branch Name – Mandatory field.

  • Address Line 1 – first address line. Mandatory field.

  • Address Line 2 – second address line. Optional field.

  • City – Mandatory field.

  • Postal Code – Mandatory field.

  • Contact E-mail – Optional field.

  • Contact Phone – Optional field.

  • Active – if the branch will be active. Allowed values are Yes/No or 1/0. In case the value is not set the branch is considered inactive. Optional field.

  • Display on website/app – if the branch will be displayed on the web. Allowed values are Yes/No or 1/0. In case the value is not set the branch is considered invisible. Optional field.

  • Latitude – Optional field.

  • Longitude – Optional field.

  • Discounts – semicolon-separated list of discount IDs (example: “1;2;3”) or LINK constant. Specified discounts will be linked to newly created branch. If the LINK is used instead, the branch will be automatically linked to all current discounts and any future discounts. Optional field.

  • User Accounts – semicolon-separated list of user IDs (example: “1;2;3”). Specified users will be linked to newly created branch. Optional field.

To finish the import, you can click on the “Import Branches” button. Please be aware that if you are importing a large number of branches, it could take a while, the Discount Manager will try to automatically determine GPS coordinates based on the address in case you keep the latitude and longitude fields empty.



Each discount needs to have assigned at least one category. Discount categories are already pre-filled within the system but you might found out that some of them might not be relevant on your local market or for example some category you would like to have is missing. Fortunately, this is no issue when you are using Discount Manager as it allows you to set up your own discount categories. To do that, open Discount Manager and go to “Settings” -> “Categories” section. Here you can see all categories that are currently active in the system.

The page contains several fields:

  • Name – the name of the category, this field is localizable.

  • Priority – the higher the priority, the higher the category will appear on the list of categories. Categories are sorted based on hierarchy, priority and name.

  • Parent Category – Discount Manager supports two-levels of nested categories. If you want to create a new top category, keep the “Parent Category” field empty, if you want to create a subcategory, select appropriate parent category.

  • Icon – select an icon that will be used on a map for discount branches belonging to this category. Icon is obligatory only for main category - subcategory does not have to have an icon. Each icon can be linked only with one main category. 

  • Mapping to Category in IGO – select a category that will be used when exporting the discount to ISO’s Benefit Manager.

  • Category Image – this image will be automatically shown for the discount when a discount provider from this category doesn’t have any assigned image.


Image Sizes


Max. count of images to upload 

Aspect ratio and minimal size for upload 

Provider‘s logo 

300x300 px 

Provider‘s banner 

2000x1000 px 

Additional provider photos 


2000x1000 px 

Discount‘s image 

2000x1000 px 

Competition‘s image 

2000x1000 px 

  • Scalability size "Normal" will be changed from current 416x208px into 1080x540px - we will regenerate all the pictures on our end for you 

  • Discounts and competitions can have only one picture and newly the picture can be uploaded directly while creating / editing the discount 

  • Supported Formats: jpg, jpeg a png