Alive Platform Bulletin #30

Alive Platform Bulletin #30


Dear issuer,

welcome to the Alive Platform bulletin which regularly informs you about the nearest upcoming changes. The next release, which will be deployed to the production environment on Monday 24th April, will bring you a highly requested change in the process of approving online orders made in the business model of “Card Issuers integrated with Online Ordering”.

We are also preparing a significant improvement in the process of a photo upload within the Online Ordering module.

All changes described below are already deployed into the test environment where you can test them and provide us your feedback.

As always, please have a look at the new and changed text strings in the Localization Manager and translate them to your local languages until Friday 21st April.

Changes in the process of approving online orders for “Card Issuers integrated with Online Ordering”

Just a small reminder for the beginning - who are “Card Issuers integrated with Online Ordering” and how these issuers currently work?

In short, Card Issuers integrated with Online Ordering are academic institutions offering cards to their students and teachers via a specific Online Ordering form (its URL has specific ending using parameter “?schoolIntegratorId=XYZ”). In NCDB, for these Card Issuers, it can be specified which types of documents must be uploaded by the student/teacher (see the picture below). This specification is hidden in the Card Issuer’s detail in NCDB.



When a student creates an order through that Online Ordering form, currently, the card entitlement always needs to be confirmed by school staff through clicking a link in an automatically sent email. Without this confirmation, the order cannot be approved.

What are the upcoming changes in this process?

Based on many requests, we changed the logic of current flow as follows.

The requirement to manually confirm whether the student has or hasn’t the right to obtain the card (confirmation done via clicking the link in the email) will differ based on which documents are set up as mandatory in NCDB. In some cases, when the student/teacher must upload his confirmation of student/teacher status, there will be no email with confirmation link sent to school staff any more. For these cases, having uploaded valid confirmation of student/teacher status is enough to prove that the student/teacher is entitled for the card. In case the upload of confirmation of study/teaching is NOT required, the flow will remain the same as it is now (so the school staff needs to make manual confirmation). To summarize this, see how the NCDB settings will affect further process:


NCDB - Required Documents section:


  1. Identity document and confirmation of study/teaching is selected, no email with confirmation link is sent, manual confirmation not required

In this case, the student/teacher must upload the document that is proof that he/she studies/teaches at the university. This document itself is sufficient proof, so there is no need to make the confirmation again by the school staff. In this case, no email with a confirmation link is sent. The orders can be approved and exported into NCDB by ISIC staff immediately.

2.Identity document only is selected, email with confirmation link is sent, manual confirmation is required

In this case, the student/teacher doesn’t upload a confirmation of study/teaching. Therefore, an automated email is sent to school staff who need to click a link within this email to confirm the customer is their student/teacher and therefore he/she is entitled for the card. In case this confirmation step is not done, the order appears in red color in Online Ordering administration and ISIC staff cannot approve it and export it to NCDB.

3.Confirmation of study/teaching only is selected, no email with confirmation link is sent, manual confirmation not required

4.None is selected, email with confirmation link is sent, manual confirmation is required

To be sure the process runs smoothly without any issues, please go through your existing Card Issuers integrated with Online Ordering and change their settings in NCDB accordingly.

Future release - Photo upload in the Online Ordering form

Based on discussions with both students and ISIC teams, we improved the process of photo upload within the Online Ordering form. What are the changes that will make online orders easier?

  • the limit for uploaded photo was increased to 10 MB, so it can accept high quality photos taken by smartphones

  • it is possible to upload a photo saved on customer’s PC/phone or to take a new photo using camera

  • the crop tool was completely redesigned to be more intuitive

  • next to the button for photo upload, a new question mark icon was added. After the question mark is hovered/tapped, a tooltip with a set of information regarding photo requirements is displayed. For local languages, this text can be modified using the Localization Manager, so it fulfills your specific local needs.

You can already test the improved functionality in test environment, using the test Online Ordering form. We will be happy to hear your feedback until 26th April 2023 17:00 CEST.

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