ALIVE Platform Bulletin #24

ALIVE Platform Bulletin #24


Dear issuer,

welcome to the ALIVE Platform bulletin which regularly informs you about nearest upcoming changes.

This time, we bring the news about a brand new export of online orders, a cancellation of specific discount voucher types and a possibility to add information about VAT in your price lists. The release date of these changes is August 31st 2022.

Online Ordering

New export of online orders

After many demands we have developed a new export of online orders. From now on, you don’t have to contact our support team to get an overview of your orders. You can simply generate it yourself in the Online Ordering module.

By clicking on a new button on the main page, an excel file will automatically be generated. It will contain those orders which correspond to the selected filters. Thanks to that, you can export orders created in a specific month, orders of a specific card issuer or orders of card valid until next year.

The excel file is divided into two sheets. On the first one, you will find a basic overview of your orders. On the second sheet, you can find details about additional products that were ordered together with the card. These products are voluntary, so some orders can have additional products linked, others will not have them.

The same function is available also for the validity extension orders.

Cancellation of specific discount voucher types

During the development of the online orders export we realized that the data of orders with used discount vouchers are not in the ideal state. Therefore, we decided to make things less complicated. As of the current release, the Online Ordering module will no longer support three types of discount voucher codes as described below. In the current time of digital cards, free delivery voucher loses its meaning. Some of these voucher types are not being used at all and some can be easily replaced.

Voucher types that will be cancelled:

  • Free card, delivery and additional products paid

  • Free card and delivery methods, additional products paid

  • Free card and cheapest delivery method, another delivery methods and additional products paid


However, you will still be able to choose from these two types of discount vouchers:

  • Discount for the whole order according to the absolute value

  • Discount for the whole order according to the percentage value


The active discount vouchers of the cancelled types have been transferred to the two remaining types. Their code will remain the same, so your customers are able to use them and there is no need to contact them about a change. If the change concerned vouchers in your country, you were contacted by us in the last weeks.


Online Ordering and NCDB

VAT price lists

In all price lists you can now set the VAT percentage to specific products. This data is now only informational, you can see it also in the new export of online orders.


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