Alive Platform Bulletin #32

Alive Platform Bulletin #32

Dear Alive Platform user, 


We hope this email finds you in good health, already finishing your last business tasks and looking forward to the festive season. 

First and foremost, we would like to wish you happy holidays from all of us at GTS Alive! We hope this special time of the year is filled with warmth and blessings. We are looking forward to successful cooperation in the following year 2025. 

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Support Service 

Please be aware that our IT support team will be offering limited support during the period from December 24th, 2024 until January 1st, 2025 (inclusive). However, in case of any urgent technical issues during this period, please do not hesitate to submit your query via the IT Service Desk or send us an email to support@aliveplatform.com. Our IT support team will assist you as quickly as possible. All other topics and requests that do not require any urgent technical support will be addressed at the beginning of 2025.  

Alive Platform 2.0 

We are working hard on the redesigned Alive Platform 2.0 that will gradually come in next 2 years. Platform will redesign all existing modules, enhance stability, user experience and bring new features that have been requested. Below you can find main points that Alive Platform 2.0 will improve and a diagram of all modules (pic below) 

  • Modern new Online Ordering for supporting all ID sales 

  • Modern new mobile 1st ISIC website able to support ISIC business and ads sales  

  • Ability to design own ID products outside of ISIC family  

  • Alive Partners (partner management, statistics and communication channel) and Alive Verify (verification service for online and offline partners)  

  • Alive App supporting new types of IDs (incld. Alumni) and door opening feature  

  • Communication module for scaled basic internal and external communication 

  • Ability to send out advanced marketing communication based on segmentation data 




Timing of the roll out of Alive Platform will be announced once development is done and piloted. We will be in touch. 

Meanwhile, we have been working on vital improvements of the current Alive Platform. Please find below two of the key changes within NCDB, which you might find useful.  

New export feature in NCDB 

In the Cards section you can newly export a list of cards, whose validity was extended during the selected period of time. This will help you with the reporting of extended cards. Until now, it was possible to export only the newly issued cards. 

  • Where: NCDB – Cards – Card List 


Licence Management  

We have added a new filter to the Overview of Serial Ranges. You can newly filter them based on the active – non-active status.  

  • Where: NCDB – Licence Management – Serial Ranges   


Automatic adjustments of longer names on the card designs 

Designer of card designs in NDCB is automatically adjusting the size of any placeholder. It comes handy in case of longer surnames or names of institutions. The field will be automatically reduced to 70% of the original setup. (approx. 1 point of font size). If the name cannot be fitted after the reduction, it will be cut. 

  • Where: NCDB – License Management – Card Designs 

  • Action needed no:  

  • New cards – It will be applied automatically to all newly issued cards.  

  • Old cards – If you need to apply it to any older cards, please get in touch with us.   



Thank you for using the Alive Platform.  

Do you need any improvements in the Alive Platform? Something what would help the others as well? Please do not hesitate and let us know using the IT Service Desk


The Alive Platform team 


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